and we feel like rain. when the words all sound the same.

Feeling: outraged
so, first off, missy elliot is amazing. and that song is awesome! so about that last entry, i've just been feeling depressed about it. it sucks. it really does. i think that i'm gonna miss getting dressed up in some gorgeous dress with my favorite people in the whole world. i like getting dressed up and feeling pretty and that is really the only chance that i will have to do that all next year. i'm bummed that i won't spend the night with my girls. amd i'm bummed they won't spend it with me. but their is not much anyone can do about that. just hope that some date or another will change. so, lately i've been listening to a lot of motion city soundtrack and i love their new cd. it kicks ass. the cd makes me feel happy. so tuesday was my dance audition. it was pretty nerve-wrecking. so we all get there and warmup in ballet. first off, their were way to mony people in that room. the barres were completely fulled with no breathing room. after the warmup, we all got numbers, i was 58. then i went and learned the jazz combination. jen went over it so incredible fast i was like, hold up. go over that again. but i loved the combination. then i went and learned the ballet combinations. yes combinations. their were three. how much does that suck? so we learned them all and then we are all put into groups of 5. i was group 2 of 7. we did the jazz one first and i think i did pretty well with the across-the-floors. then i combination i messed up a bit but i think it still did pretty well. then ballet was kinda a joke. every single person messed up at some point or another. but i think i did ok in the class too. around 10 i got to leave. i'll just have to wait til next tuesday to find out what happens. if all is well, i am having a party or something to celebrate. just becasue i'm cool like that. i went to syracuse university on wednesday. the school is gorgeous and i totally loved every part about it. especially the fact that i have the oppertunity to dual major in interior/industrial design and marketing. awesome i think. the only problem: tuition is about $42,000 a year. damn private schools. i need to get a crap load of scholarships to pay for that. or win the lottery. whichever happens first. if neither, then SU is out of the picture. ok so this entry was long enough. if you've stayed with it this long, i applaud you. you are a true friend. and true friends leave comments. *hint hint* i love you all to pieces. including kelly, briana, eileen, jenny, cass, vicky, jen & jess, bobby, all the dance girls, and whoever else i've hung out with this summer. it's been great.
Read 3 comments
ummm...ok ew! i deff just read what u were feeling and i totally got grossed out! lol but i still love you! and pretty much this summer has been awesome and kno whats even more awesome?!!?!? ITS NOT EVEN OVER YET!!!! hahaha k, i'm done, ilu!

ps. thanks for ur talks the past couple of days...theyve helped me a lot! :-)
awww i love you too kristen your the best ... and ummm we need to hang out b/c we havent in sooo long.. well love you hahahaha yes i do .. love jenny
kristen i LOVE you! :-D these past like 3285905 hours were awesome!