5 days...

Listening to: hawthorne heights
Feeling: radiant
so, lately i've been working and babysitting all the time. i haven't had time to just chill and rest. finally today, i don't have to work and i don't plan on babysitting. well maybe tonight for a few hours, but that's it for the next few days. so, last sunday i went to mike's grad party, and it was fun. i didn't stay long because i wanted to come home. i just stayed for dinner. we had pulled pork. so, i really have nothing to say. i miss briana. oh, i had my first night of dance last night. it was fun. it was good to get back into it again. but my legs are killing me. i haven't stretched them in so long. i'm just hoping this summer goes well. so plans for this weekend. friday i'm going to buffalo to visit UB and visit my family. except for tim. i miss him like crazy. hopefully he'll come home safe from iraq. damn war. then saturday i hope to go to the fireman's carnival with leen and jemmy to see the fireworks and all that stuff. that should be fun. ok so i'm out for now. peace and love. and happiness. wow i'm so corny. haha peace out kiddos oh yeah, so jess sent this to me and i thought it was pretty cool. so, in that case, just read it. As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down-- probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend, You'll blame a new love for things an old one did, You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, Laugh too much, And love like you've never been hurt Because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back
Read 6 comments
i absolutely love your layout. it's awesome.

heck yes for saturday! i have to talk to my padje, but u can prolly spend the night sat after all that fun stuff! k, ilu, cya @ soccer!
love the diary ♥
I don't know whether you're a dude or a chick, but I LOVE YOU FOR LOVING SOMETHING CORPORATE!!! <3 Poor Andrew though. At the very least at least his project, Jack's Mannequins, have a CD coming out August 23rd! YEA ANDREW! (He's so damn hot! LOL) Bye now! - Laney
yeah, i'm not gonna lie. something corporate is my fav. and they rock.
I just wanted to let you know that spending the past few days with you was soo needed and I love you so much. I can always count on you guys to make me feel awesome and loved!

p.s. my cousin likes your background