ii mElt...

Listening to: In MuH wHiite Tee
Feeling: chillin
eeeeeeeeee! -well im an 8 ball shoottin double fisted son of a gun- Saturday October 23, 2004 was the BEST day of my life. I mean, it was the CITBC PARTAY. We had a killer time- awh are you sad that you wern't there if your not i bet you are noww! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IT WAS TOTALLY RAD- ::sweet memories:: people are retarded ya know that, i mean like wtf does it mean if someone says -u wouldnt understand- does that impose that i'm stupid? yeah i used impose OH WHAT NOW THEY PROLLY DONT KNOW WTF IT MEANS -god- way to suck at lyfe gee i really hope i get classes with april- or at least lunch..goddamn this semester sucks.... i heart the citbc
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lol i love you maria. damn straight we better have classes together or your mildly violent portrayal of people getting their heads kicked in will come true. and you are NOT stupid you are in the CITBC and automatically a clever little beeatch!! anyones ass you need me to kick, youve got my number ;) can i getchurr number baby HIT ME WITH THE SEVEN DIGITS ok horrible ninties song moment, ah hem, all done

aw chris cant read