
Feeling: sinful
:-O man oh man am i exhausted...i think i'm sick..ok no i'm pretty sure i'm sick, hpoefully i get better but if not THEN DIE SICKNESS DIEEE! on a second note. i went to east lansing today wtih the family to see my cousins new house and have dinner there its an hour away. gah it wasnt fun not when you feel like shit ah its alright tho. i took it like a man )urg( my cousins place is nice, and he told me if i go to msu then he wants me to come stay with him and his wife cause they have two rooms upstairs ready -awwwe how sweet of them- hopefully me and apes hang out soon cuase i neeeeeeed time wtih my bestest friend ever..gah STUPID PARENTS! mOTHER tRUCker aight i'm out XoXO NAsCAr
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