jUs A liL biiT

-NO WORK TODAY- whoooot sigh ( i needa go shoppin ) last week i blew my pay check on clothes- and once i got home i realized i didn`t want anything i bought- gah how effing gay. and then i lsot the reciept WAT THA FUCK IS THAT!?! whenever i need my reciept i don't have it and if i dOn`t need it I FREAKIN HAVE it! today was the WiNtErFeSt ASSembly- orange yes0 i oranged it up wtih a xl shirt. oh how hot- w/ewhat gay effing colors fresh-green soph- yellow JUNIORS- ORANGE seniors -red gah gay gay gay i am effing sick of being a friggin junior i keep thinking that im leaving that hell of a school this year- which infact i GOT AN EFFING OTHER YEAR. 00tomorow im gettin fitted for my dress cuz im in my cousins wedding which is in 4 weeks00 ya know it hink that im gonna have to lose some major weight GAH WHY DO I HAVE TO BE FAT (&@(#$&@(#$)@# yeah what now awright ima go cause i don't wanna type i think ima eat som aminal crackers -you know i like it when you...- oX bUstY oX
Read 4 comments
just go to the diary: htmleffects and in one of the entrys it says how to do the font changes and also how to do other effects
no problem
your stupid maria
HEY MY SEXY BEAST we are both sick to day and it really suck....sry i really didnt read urs because it hurts my head....ahhh im out of letters crap ly