Feeling: confused
-dUyyy- i so totally got a new computer- but oh its being a little buttmunch..i thought ya know in a crazy world that new computers wouldnt be gay..but o i guess i picked up a dyke..I HATE A LOT OF THINGS OKAY..spaz- citbc 4lyfe over hizzle im feeling very spiritiited today and i cannot type sitting on the floor mother trucker life is gay aight so go f yourself. my brother got a screen name and hes on my dads computer omfg were in the same fuckign house retard...oh man i woke up crying dudes i had like a realy bad dream lol like omgawd lol well ima get going cuase my arms hurt from thsi bitch beign on the floor..lata ii heart the citbc ::licks lips::
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lol. ah i LOVE THE CITBC!