iTs tHe lAst dAY oF thE yEAr

Feeling: icky
- bYe byE 2004- heLLo 2005- yeSterday i went to see fAt alBert with the cos and the sibs ... cute movie- it was funny and marqueos houston is a cutieee! -sigh- she will always be thaaaaaaat girllllll- heh i luv that song..and before we went to coney island..ok i got a cheeseburger when i usualy get one those THEY GOT A LOT OF MEAT..BUT NOT AT CONEY-NEVER AGAIN WILL I GET THAT- NEVER- and we wetn to my mommys work to say hi! heh i love my mommyyyyy...then when i got home i stayed her for liek 15 minutes and went to dindin with the fam and got a veggie burger at aj alexanders..yummmm- then i came home and did nothhnig ahaaha yessssssssh- then i watched saving silverman- lol lmao thats the best movie ever in the history of the world, ok yeah i exaggerated but yakno i dont care- *dude you dotn gotta mke that ksh sound everytime it does it for you..ok man i wont mkae the ksh sound its the last time ksh- HAHHAHAHA lmao lmao awright today is the last day of hte year and im excited cuase i like new years YEAHHH STAYING UP LATEEE! yeah- i have a bed time-PPROBLEM ...shit i just dropped the mouse anywya my daddy is buying FINGER FOODDSSSSS YEEEEEUHHHH not hungry tho i ate so much last night i dont think ill be hungry till night..which is good cuz then i can eat all the FINGERFOOOOOODSSSSSSSS awright im done writing I LOVEEEEEEEE THE CITBC
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