
I MISSS APRIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The school best watch their back if they do not give me any classes with april i will freakin raise hell on them because this is freakin bullshit WE HAV E NO CLASSES TOGEHTER AND WE DONT HAVE LUNCH I MEAN WTF WE ONLY SEE TOGEHTER 2 TIMES A DAY. AND THATS BULLSHIT (hehe 8 days till i get to have lunch with her)-YESS- i heArt apRiL ::licks lips:: lol i remember last year when we were in backus' class and then lunch then hoyts. lol -licks lips- that never got old... oh man i remember in backus' class.... we'd do that and tweedy would be like wtf lol and keep looking back at us.loll and tweedy asking to play wtih the wigglie- PLAY WITH YOUR OWN WIGGLIE..oh man april that was amazingly great. lol lmao and that one time when we stole chrissys cookie and gave it to nedo..lol i dont think she ever foudn out- oh man how great- HOYTIESSS ...::licks lips:: LMAO nedo would think i was lickin muh lips at him loolll lol mr stapler boi...lol STAPLER- oh god that was amazingly awesome i don't think we will find anyone with a weirder fetish.. like honestly who does that???? ::jams on air keyboard:: * how embarassing* lol how ironic the one time he looks back at me im jaming on a freakin air keyboard when hoyt's playing elvis. while we were supose to take notes with his freaking font that you can only see if your like right up to the board... i stil think that we should capture hoyt and torture him by making him take notes with freaking small font from teh board and then give him a test on it and have him fail :MUAHAHAHAHA: lol HOOVER SUCKED: why did they name the vaccume hoover? bc he sucked lol lmao it only took me like 3 days to get that joke...lol but all worth it- how great- i know that now that i wont ever forget that former prez hoover sucked. ( lol ok now its begining to sound dirty) I MISS OUR PLANS!!!!!!!!!! -about trying to assisinate the teachers -muahahaa- -getting everyone outta the class room ;)- mAn oh mAn.... thErE iiS mOrE tO cOme! i aSsUrE you I heart my co-founder of the CIBTC, April Lynn Klarr. For we will live in a box on the beach with a parked viper and 2 hott guys. LONG LIVE THE CITBC!!!!!
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lmao!!! god last year was amazing, i cant wait until wedn of next week so we can at least recreate the memories of lunch. we are so rad, i have to admit. the citbc is the main focus of my life, it gives me meaning and happiness!! lmao i cant even describe the fun we've had! i couldnt ask for a better friend :) love always, apes
oOo that guy in ur background....SeXxIiIi