yOu mAke mUh peEpEe gO

Listening to: Ass liKe thAt- EmineM
Feeling: bootylicious
*mY faMz frOm ChiCagO is ovA HIzzLe* HAHAHA YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH -i hate school- for that is why i'm not going on monday..okay fine you cought me i'm going..but ON A FEILD TRIP OHH WHAT NOW BIZNITCH. TodAy aPrILLL IS COMINGGGG OVER MY HIZZLE AND IM SO FREAKING EXCITED LIEK OMG I HAVNT HUNG OUT WIT HER IN LIKE FUCKING FOREVER :dies: lol lmao :let me get on top of you: ahahhaha lmfao aoh man that was amazingly great ::earlier that day: KT. Do you still write? APril. No..(interupted) Me. She fOund a new hObby... me! ahahah : OH LYFE WITH THE CITBC IS AMAZINGLY GREAT : I LOVE LYFE WITH THE CITBC Share Beauty. Spread Hope. (there is a booby on this bracelet..i'm not even joking) THERE IS A BOOBIE ON THE FREAKIN BRACELET FOR BREAST CANCER..WHICH I SUPPORT I MEAN NOT LIKE I WNAT IT TO HAPPEN BUT WTF WHY IS THER EA BOOBIE OK LOOL I'M DONE. tHe wAy yOu mOve iT maKes my peEpEe go D-adoing doing doing
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