feEl tHa mUsic plAyiin soft `n slow

Feeling: sinful
-o m g i feel like absolute shit- * I HATE BEING HOME ALONEEE * yeah so i'm sick, and i hate school and im at home :) heh..yay! i wuv chingy..and i am going to marry him..ching-a-ling n nascar fur sho, life really bites somtimes..i really don`t have any patience anymore, too many people bother the fuck outta me- its upsetting really, im a happy person...but some people just make me angry. so i am thinking about moving into the CITBC box like now, and then i am going to buy a viper..well actually steal one cuz i have no money and i am going to find a few boys ahem *james franco, usher, chingy joquien phenix(i donno how to spell his name) `n many more* and have a party in the box with my co-foundizzle april snizzle. we will leave htis stupid shit of a fucking town and lay on the beach with the hotties-oh yes that is what im going to do..if you wanna come with me then AHA TOO BADDD BITCHES! rickatoni the rickmister cannot come - lol ahaha in yer face bitchizzle *)word(*
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lol. joaquin* yeah people def piss me off too, but jus think, in less than two years we're gonna be movin to chicago. we can see the frolicking otter
s and i hate comment limits but yeah it will be beautiful and we'll drive in our viper and be hot and citbc 4 lyfe feel better you fool we better hang
soon lest i come after you with a screwdriver, lmao, we should install a condom machine and a coffee maker in the back of our viper, lmao, LOVEYOU