juSt cHilLin `N tHa fOrt

Listening to: Some Beach
Feeling: dandy
_ii hAd lUncH wit my beSteSt fRiiend eVer_ *today was awesome dude* ii didn`t do anything all day!! KICK ASS! IN first hour we did this "fun" puzzle, whcih was amazingly gay cos we actually had to think about where to put the effin peices..SINCE WHEN ARE THERE MATH PUZZLES LIKE WTF IS MY TEACHER THINKING (shes not gonna be thinkin after i beat the crap outta her) la..la..la.. SOME BEACH-(some bitch) ahhaha so grrrreeatt. IN second we played this country game..which ii don`t play, ii just sit down and day dream as Eric is doing all the work..ahaha- **you know what he is don`t you?-what?- YER BITCH** ::friends playback:: i lovey that shoey & JOEY. In third and fourth i got career center and we just watched a movie, that didn`t end the way i want... :( -oh well- in 5th hour we checked a paper and listend to foster.. he is going to write a book- and i am going to read that, seriously if he writes a book about his biography then i will read that. he is like the most smartest guy ever in the world. its amazing. IN sixth hour, my last and final class, comp 2 the only thing we had to do is this word search. AHA SO GREAAT and tomorrow is thanksgiving like honestly what can be better than this? i know CHRISTMAS..oh and thats exactly a month away from tomorrow :) YAYY ****OMFG***** I HAD LUNCH WITH APRIL...omg, i missed her, we hav't had lunch together since last year ::tear:: i heart apes ::licks lips:: haha ;) let me get on top of you!!!! HAHAHA KT: do you still write stories April: No-- Me: she found a new hobby...ME AHAHAHAHAH SO GRRRRREAAAAAT!!! aiight i`m out like a fat kid playing dodgeball ..layder
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AWE MAN LUNCH WAS SO TIGHT, standing in line with you was just like when we used to stand in line and i would drool over jake, omggg he was so fine. AND WE HAD SUCH GOOD LUNCH TIMES ahhah so many great times man, im glad we got that chance. AND WE ARE SO GONNA HAVE A CLASS AND LUNCH TOGETHER NEXT SEMESTER OR THE CITBC BEATDOWN IS GOING TO BE PACKIN THE HEATTT MOTHERFUCKERRRR
