
Feeling: hip
-the sky is falling- iT`s a NeW yEAr...awh..i'm gonna miss 2004..tis when i met my bestest friend in the world!! APRIL!!!!!! and we created the CITBC..oh man oh man- 2004- forEVaH on another note- i don't wanna go back to school..and its like not even break naymore its just like a 'weekend' ahhhhhh i hate school die biznitch--oh well hopefully i can make the rest of the school year better..and next semester me and apes will have classes together ...or we better cuz then ill kick muh ass aight yano im gettin sick of typing..ima go layder yall' payce -be safe
Read 7 comments
hot guys. wowzers!!!
i like your diary!
Nice diary, i'm a guy and i'm starting to get worried here. yikes.
because its pretty hot, the colors and all...yea the colors.....
i made it. you like? ^_^
awee i will always remember 2004 as the year of the CITBC. it was pretty awesome last year, 2nd semester, hopefully its a trend and this 2nd semester will rock too. it has to or else ill yano knock peoples heads off. your layout is orgasmically hot!! I LOVE YOU BEST FRIEND!!! -apes-
ah! that guy in your header pic... what movie is he from? i know him... lol... saw your diary on random, just thought i'd ask, cuz i know i know that guy from soem movie, just can't think of his name... haha later