iit`s sATuRDAy

Feeling: aloof
IT IS SO SATURDAY- KNOW WHAT THAT MEAANS????? WEEEE HAD NOOOO SCHOOOOLLLL!!!!! oh you don't even know how mcuh i really hate school it really pisses me the fuck off. i try so hard to go so good and i only get dissapointed. yet other fags and whores make freakin cheat sheets, and i don't cause i think its wrong, and becuase im afraid that ill get introuble. thats so goddamn shitty and unfair why are people so gay. goddamn- i hate school- on another note i luv chingy! hE IS SO FUH-INEEE-were gonna get married i assure you- MADHOTNESS *it`s like i gave birth to my own baby girl, cept shes big and she smokes and swears a lot* *he discoverd this kinda rubber- you mean for condoms?* *we dont milk ourselves do we????* *you like to drive your tractor all around town dont you?* *one stash..two stash--PORNO--* ---AHHHHHHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA--- oh that is just so great i love the citbc!!!! I HATE SCHOOLLL iight- im done ::pounds it wtih chingy:: ouuu ;)
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Ahahahahahah. I hate school too.