sAy yOu wOn`t cArE

Feeling: blah
:ima vent i need to: i hate how poeple tkae things out on others. especially when its not your effing fault. everyone should start taking fault for their others that arent responsibble for it don't get pentalized ya know being the oldest sucks... you don't get any privleges you have the sme bed time as a 11, and 8 year old. and when you were that age your bed time was 9. what is the deal. is that being it being fair not letting me hang out with friends becuase your siblings dont hang out with them as much and you get compared to them? what the hell is this.. yeah sure i get some privlages of gettin more expensive things. but why would oyu want that if you get shit for it after- like my new computer many tiems did i get bitched at for being a "bad kid" and threated to get it taken away..why would you get me somthing and just wanna take itaway from me..why do parents do that? now dont get me wrong, i love my mommy and daddy, but i get treated differntly because im the oldest and it sucks. i dotn wanan be treated negetivly different than my younger siblings, i should be treated equally. and they should get blamed for shit that they do instead of me gettin blamed for it..cuase i do my fair of retarded things but yano its not fair when i only get pentallized i know i dont have it bad but somtiems things just get to you. i'm actually thankful for my life cuase i know that it could be way worse..but im human. eh i know it sucks- oh well maybe itll get better until then ill jsut deal cus i know it could be a hell of alot worse :) ((try to avoid it..but theres not a doubt..theres one thing i could nothing about)) x3 MaRiA x3
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oOo hott guys :)
Hey, my name's Holly and I just started this account to advertise stories on SitDiary. Go check them out! If you have a story that you want on ChAPtERs you can just comment. Thanx.
Save up money and buy yourself a car... be away from your parents as much as possible. Or... you could save up money and move out when you turn seventeen. or you could start crying and cuss your parents out and tell them how you feel.