one little look is all it takes

Feeling: sporty
Today Brooke and I went and ate at Red Brick Pizza after school, because we had a half day. Then we went to Barnes n Noble and read for like an hour, and we walked to Target but then her mom came and got us and dropped us off at the mall because we're lazy. We spent 5 hours in Toxic (yes...We are Toxic whores) and there's a new guy working. I guess Alex just disappeared. His name is Colby, though. He's so hot. Too bad he's 19. He's really chill though. And flirtatious. Which sucks balls because, well, he's so damned hot. After spending 5 hours in Toxic and getting some Dry-Erase tattoos we decided to walk over to the show with Amanda, Lauren, & Keshara who came to kidnap us. My love was there♥. We sat outside the whole time because the band sucked. A bunch of guys who looked like skinheads showed up and kind of ruined it. They made me uncomfortable. I don't think they were skinheads cuz they were wearing baggy gangster clothes and asking where the clubs were. :/... ♥
Read 13 comments
lol! Well. I'm going to add a funny story that happened to me. I should at least add SOME form of amusement for the other non chalante people that don't care about the music. [dread the thought]. Anyways.

I'm bored, so I'm going to whore my myspace. If you have it, power to you.
lucky i wish i had a half day
i just felt bad cause i was being really easy and stupid... and he seemed all into you anyway.

but i'm stupid.

Haha. werd. Rob's just going through a... phaze I guess. Oh, and if you ever encounter gangster fools like that, you say, "Yeah, the club's at your place with your mom. OHOH bounce foo'." They'll usually leave... or pop a cap in yo' ass. Whichever they feel most comfortable with. =P
lol i know, it really bugged me that all we did was come thro a window and they were doing that lol. its not like we destroyed tons of things there... lol
btw your icon pic i X3 that song.
"lover i dont have to love"
r u really 73??
Yeah, remember when you stuck up for me that one time when that one person was being a dick to me? Yeah, that's who it was. Anyways, I love your pictures!!!
I love you!
your diary looks cute...
yessss i have to get pics of brian cause i have tooo cause hes mine and yummy...

whats up??
im thinking about closing down this diary cause i cant really keep up...
i use xanga more now...

take care
:D hehe that was v v nice of you to say
omg i loooove the emperor's new groove! i actually watched it today hehe... i swear i think ive seen it 50 times, its a genius movie...
thx for the comment :)
Yeah. Owell. Me too. I have to apologize though because it would be the best thing to do. It's a huge stupid mess of a situation and "he" didn't help much with it. So.. anyways.
I love you!
yeah that was pretty cool! i loved the one of the girl and with her eye in the violin it was awesome.