like puzzle pieces we fit together

Feeling: happy
I know it's not exactly the most descriptive and specific of moods, but I do feel happy. Today was really pretty out. It was around 80 degrees, I heard? Noice. AH-MWAY-ZAING! Hahaha. Well Brooke came over and we made a cake for Maxwell. That was okay. We also watched Shark Tale. I friggin' love that movie. It's soo much better than Finding Nemo. The only good thing about Finding Nemo was Dori. And that little crab guy, Jacques. We also walked to Vons with Lauren & Amanda before making the cake. We had time to waste. Afterward we spent about half an hour at Amanda's, waiting for Max to get home. But then Brooke's mom called so we had to leave. I found out my schedule for next year!! I have... PE with Mrs. Callaway, English with Ms. Phelan, Creative Writing & Films with Mrs. Lyans [she's a rad teacher, I had her as my testing instructer during the state testing], World History with Ms. McFadden, and Biology with Mr. Wilson. I don't know who I have for Math. Well anyway just thought I would update. Byee!! -Justine P.S. - I got a newer look. I got sick of it, really. How do you like this one?
Read 21 comments
hows it going
k sry but u dont know half the story
i have. but he doesnt think so.
9. Yay! No hurting me!

10. Damn. (Again with calling the moose mooses.)

11. Never seen the breakfast club, thanks for 400, blah.

12. Well gee, exccuuuuuuuuse me.

13. Aw, you never left me a 13th comment. =(
Alright, now to read your comments.
Comment one: It's "I'll sick my moose on you". Being Canadian, I know that the plural of "moose" is "moose".
"He thinks the plural of goose is sheep"
Oh, and now I'm busy with working on stuff, so I can't write an entry. (It's june the 22)
Yes, you can call me roberto if you must.
Bobert is fine too.

2. The thank you will come later...When I'm less busy. =P

4-8. I'm really sorry! Don't hit me! (cont)
The guys in your header pic are creepy.
I also see you left me some comments, I will go read them, and be back with my reply later.
yea i know they are dangerous...we were sitting down and christine got kicked...ehhh
i loved it though
take care
yea!! like they moved and like looked like fans with their arms flying yea someone gets it.
lol yea i needed to put pix up and all. that guy is yummy.
i want a friend named max. so i can call him maximus and max a million
take care
thanks for commenting
i knows, huh?
lol ok
well, me and him have both fucked up. and now we've learned our lessons.
cheating is so not worth it
oh my gosh i know! hey, if your screamo, your emo. or something. i dunno, but some kid was getting all pissed at me a few weeks ago by saying that underoath was emo. hes all "its not emo, its screamo". and then i said the other emo screamo thing. ya.
lol, yeah it was like a joke between me and my sister. like coz in the first pic i look cracked out, so she said i should make it like those acne commercials with before and after pics? lmbo, it was pretty funny. cute diary. : )!
but that's the thing, he actually does. i don't even know why i did it, but it was the biggest mistake ive ever made and i didnt think. i would never have wanted to do smthg like that to my bear, he's the best guy on the planet
ya, it is laker colors, but yellow and purple are also contrasting colors (opposites) so they look good together. and so are orange and blue ( my text colors).
when ever i do colors, i always do the cantrasts too, because i'm weird and artsy like that.

buh bye

well i kinda get what she means, but she just doesn't believe me at all when i say i actually love him. and i've done the same to him. more recently. and he forgave me too. and he actually makes me happier than anyone else ever has. *blushes*
i adore your new look :)
and by the way, i like the new look. green is "da bomb yo". or whatever.

and that is thee best song ever by the postal service.
hey. its keshara. i have a new diary, but i'm still writing in my other one too.
haha yeah, i saw adore and in my head i was like SMASHING PUMPKINS!! I think i will get along with this person and sure enough it was the love of my life....YOU!!! ♥