we know major tom's a drunkie

Hello all. I'm just chllin at Kassie's abode. We went and saw Sin City with Tyler. It was so funny, Kassie kept covering up her eyes and crouching down because of all the gory parts. Tyler and I were just laughing at her. It was my second time watching it and I understood the movie a lot more. Which is good, because now I can appreciate the movie more. I don't know what else to write. I'm not sure of what's going on between Nick and I. It bums me out but there's nothing I can do, I guess. I just hope he knows that I'm here for him. Clinton has been a really good friend lately. when I was bummed out the last week or so, Clint made me laugh and stuff. he even offered to have his friend Ben take care of some people. Thanks Clint!! I listened to David Bowie this morning while I was in the shower and this is my favorite line on the CD. "And we know major Tom's a drunkie..." Ha ha. Oh man it was so windy today. It was gnarly. And my hair sucked ha ha. We went into the movie around 4 and came out around 6 and it was RAINING!! We're going to Santa Barbara tomorrow on the Vista, it can't flipping rain!! Ack. Oh well. I don't know what else to write. Umm Kass is coming over to my house and I'm going to try and convince my mom to let us rent a movie or two for tonight. A Clockwork Orange and SLC Punk possibly? K well I think I'm going to go. Later on! Peace&Love _justine
Read 5 comments
the book (clockworkorange) is waaaay better

slc punk was good

i really want to watch romeo and juliet again

i fucking love that movie

im gonna go get it later i think
i hate life right now
im so pissed at my parents right now
they are fucking bitches!
my mom said she would give me a ride somewhere and i had made plans and now she wont fucking take me
sorry thats like all i can get out right now
john as a header pic...beautiful!

on a lighter note i learned how to make acid...lsd...HECK YES!
I love A Clockwork Orange! I want to go and see Sin City.. what type of movie is it anyway?
OMFG That's that dude with the incredibly cool hair from elephant! How awesome! <333
omg i was listening to david bowie today too! so i decided to wear my bowie shirt...mmmhmm.
