I am so effin' cool

Listening to: Bush - Testosterone
Feeling: amused
Has anyone noticed how funny the word testosterone is? I didn't think I spelt it right until I looked and sure enough, I did. Anyway my day today was alright. I fell asleep last night around 2 because I watched Saving Silverman (I flipping *love* Jack Black*) and then Say Anything. Why can't we all have boyfriends like Lloyd? I woke up around 12 and then cleaned my room and showered and stuff. I went and met Natalie at the park and we walked to the movies while talking about how stupid boys are. We watched Fever Pitch, it was an alright movie. Jimmy Fallon is so funny. He's great. But yeah all in all it was a cute movie. Kind of like cheesy romance guy gets girl guy loses girl but gets girl again then loses her once again to have her realize how stupid she is so she goes and they end up being happily ever after. Bah humbug. I dunno about you but I'm sick of these happy endings.
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i wish all boys were like lloyd. i would die happy if i looked out my window one night to see a gorgeous boy (NOT MOUSE!!) outside with a stereo over his head professing his undieing love to me. XD

Ur such a hopeless romantic... Where our identical personalities seem to break. Hah. well i hope u had a good weekend... first one without me in a while huh. Well it couldnt have been too good then :-) kidding. Love u to death and back. ♥ Kassie
[Love your new layout!!♥]

I have no idea what lobotimates or w/e are. =P but the government makes me wonder.. =O
I saw this really weird asian movie, where the hero gets blown up in a train once.

What movie is your header pic from?