Ive Gotta Be Honest...

Feeling: cherished
Gosh I loveee this song a lot. Anyways I'm doing okay. Yesterday it was raining but I went for like a two mile walk to Barnes n Noble from my house. It was really refreshing because I hadn't been out of the house in a long time. I ended up crying on the walk though because I remembered alot of stuff that had gone on in that area, with certain people and it just really brought me down. They were good friends, even if they did treat me like shit. I miss the talks, you know? Well, at Barnes n Noble I read this book called Tomorrow, Maybe by Brian James. It was super good. And super sad. It's about this homeless girl who lives in NYC and they squat places, and she falls in love with this guy Jay but then everyone ends up changing. And she's only 15 but she's taking care of this 11 yr old girl who ran away named Elizabeth, and it's just sad. I don't wanna ruin the ending. After Barnes n Noble I came home and just chilled. I don't know why that walk affected me but...It just felt good. I felt stupid but I was laughing and stuff. It was perfect. It was raining but I wasn't cold so I was okay, and I was crying and laughing and it just felt like one of those moments that you think about forever. Today was an okay day, too. Even though I only got 7 hours of sleep last night because I talked to Nick a bundle, I woke up alright. It was raining again. It's been raining all day. At lunch I went out in the rain and just kinda stood there with this kid Brian. We're crazy together. I love being crazy with some one. Anyway it felt good to be the only two kids standing in the rain. I felt nuts, and everyone must have thought I was nuts too but that's okay. Fuck them. This boy Martin kept looking at me like I was crazy. All in good fun :). Anyway. In PE I was so proud of myself I ran the whole four minutes and I didn't even stop once. I'm such a loser. I'm sitting here drinking hot chocolate with mini-marshmellows in it, listening to Vertical Horizon while in sweats and my Zeppelin shirt. Hooray for the shirt that NOBODY has because it was my uncles (which also means its about 102049493 sizes too big for me, considering he's 6'5 and like 230 pounds, and i'm 6'0 like 160 pounds) and he got it at the Zeppelin tour he went to in like '80 and it's tye-dye and AWESOME!!!!! Muwahahahaha. Anyway, I have an F in English. Oops. : I wonder how that happened? ...Anyway. FUCK Honors English, bitches!! I'm going to College Prep next year. Its not like I want to go to a 4 yr university straight out of highschool. I figure if some one goes to school from Kindegarten to 12th grade they deserve a few years for a break, wouldn't you say? Anyway I'm gonna go. I'll love you until the stars fall from the sky, on you and I, +justine+ [edit] Southern California weather is officially the stupidest weather in the entire world. Is it possible for weather to be stupid? If it is, Southern California wins by no other matchers. They would not be able to measure up.
We had ANOTHER tornado warning last night.
Can you BELIEVE that?!? And it's supposed to clear up today and all through the weekend, and then theres going to be a huge storm, worse than the one yesterday that's going to hit us. They're telling people to stay away from Oxnard/Ventura/Santa Barbara coastal areas 'cause that's where the tornado warning is. Stupidddd idiiiots. Anyway I stayed home today. Not because of the tornado warning, because I couldn't drag myself up out of bed (besides when I woke up at 5:30 in the morning) buttt yeah. So my mom reluctantly let me stay home... "Ennugh whenever I stand up, I get dizzy..."*true. "Fine, stay home"*SCORE! lol. I really DO get dizzy when I stand up though. And that weird tunnel vision thing happens to me. Better hope I don't die :/ I doubt I can die. I can't die. I'm invincible! Yeah...Riiiiight... COMMENT ME PLEASE ILL LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER AND EVERRRRRRR :) :) :) Love _justine PS-A girl died in 1933 at the hands of a murderer. He buried her in the ground when she was still alive. The murderer chanted, "Toma sota balcu" as he buried her. Now that you have read the chant, you will meet this little girl. In the middle of the night she will be on your ceiling. She will suffocate you like she was suffocated. If you post this, she will not bother you. Your kindness will be rewarded [end edit] [edit squared] I got this PETA thing in the mail today, it's a DVD.
I thought I was going to throw up. I'm seriously going vegan. No joke.
If you like saw, and stuff...Ew..I don't even want to go in to it. Let's just say that it showed a man beating turkies with a lead pipe and then leaving them there to suffer. They were still alive. Then it showed the chickens getting their throats SLIT...Still alive.
I feel like the bad guy in SAW
I feel like none of those people understand what exactly it is they're doing. So I think it should be done to them. Like the guy who had to crawl through the razor wire but died from massive blood loss. I think we should castrate those guys (without pain killers, of course), cut off their ears, hang them upside down by one foot, stab them twice, let the blood drain out of them. If they fall, so what? Let them lay their in their bodily secretions.
I am one sick bastard. Yeah. Oh well. [end edit-squared] 1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. Write down what it says: "'loepards in Tibet, you see,' explained the..." 2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first? the wall 3. What is the last thing you watched on TV? umm i think it was some show called Step By Step 4. Without looking, guess what time it is: 2:15? 5. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time? 2:12 bitches! 6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear? the tv 7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing? Just now, and I went outside to see if it was raining. 8. Before you came to this website [started this survey], what did you look at? fucking around with layouts 9. What are you wearing? sweats & my hendrix t-shirt 10. Did you dream last night? umm yeah i can't remember...OH YEAH ahahaha 11. When did you last laugh? just now 12. What is on the walls of the room you are in? my little sister's pictures, posters, mostly my grandmas stuff 13. Seen anything weird lately? yea 14. What do you think of this quiz? Its ok 15. What is the last film you saw? That PETA film... If you dont count that then I watched Wizard of Oz earlier 16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first? iPod, books, new shit 17. Tell me something about you that I don't know: Im afraid of being in enclosed spaces 18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do? Change that law where you have to be born in America to be president...Ohhh Bonoooo.... Orr Id...Kill George Dubayah bush. 19. Do you like to dance? In mah room yes 20. George Bush: Dont even get me started on that bastard 21. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her? Lily 22. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him? River 23. Would you ever consider living abroad? yesss definitely... 24. What do you want God to say to you when you reach the pearly gates? What pearly gates? Fine, God will say, "*girly scream*AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I TOLD YOU GO AWAY!"
Read 20 comments
"i feel infinite" you've got all sorts of eye-candy on here.

and all-hail the so-cal kids! erf. pretend i didn't say that. it was rather windy, though my house didn't blow away. too bad, too.
Ack, as soon as you talked to me, AIM disconected me, and wouldn't let me bakc in. *glares at AIM*
wootness for the notebook

and thanks ...my life is pretty hectic

i think it always will be

and plus moving so much

and just yea

ya crank was good

and one time over the summer after we got out of the moulin rouge there were these like french guys trying to get me to go down an alley with them...i was like WTFFFFFFFF. ive had really bad experiences with older guys..not rape or anything but they just make me freeze up.
ive had my experiences with sleezebags..

oh god yea im freaky around older guys. they scare me because they are just so much bigger than me and could over power me. i hate walking around alone or even with one other person its still not safe. one time well actually twice(two diff times) i was walking alone and a guy runs up because hes jogging and slaps my butt and im just like uh...errmm..and i dont know what to say..ugh
oh god yea. like i hate when cars start to slow down..i dont want to look like a weirdo and run if they are just simply slowing down for a perfectly good reason..but then im like..wtf what if a team of like big buff guys just jumps out like some s.w.a.t. team and rapes me or kidnaps me..ehhh
i go through phases like that. where i can only sleep with music on or i can only sleep with music off or only when theres light or only when its dark and completely silent or with my tv on..right now its with my tv on but its sorta turning into just sleeping in complete darkness and silence.

im ultra paranoid its crazy.
yes. your comment made sense. but i wasn't the one who made the choice.
Thank you :)
you live in Southern California?
luuuckkky! I live in Pennsylvania.
Sooo boring!.

Maybe I'll check out Tomorow, Maybe...Maybe.
Sounds cool.

Congrats on the whole 4 minutes!
I have to take my puffers just thinking about it. =P
...You comment fast. =P
Yeah, I've got aim. I don't go on much though.
Oh, and I live in Toronto! Well, right beside it, but whatever.
lmao "11. When did you last laugh? just now"
I think I saw that turkey movie thing. One night I went around looking for stuff like that.
I'm like, scared for life now. =P
The one guy was skinning a wolf while it was still alive. Every time it would twitch he would kick it in the head, then go back to skinning it.

Pretty sick guy. Wasn't even wearing protective gloves while removing the fur.
Pffft, Tornados.
ughh justine im dying i threw up in 5th hour and its your fault you kept me up all night i was up until 5:00 in the a.m. thanks nerd now im like dying i think it was the bad stir fry last night also im going on a super crash no sleep, no food diet kidding or am i? J/K i know how you hate me on accidently killing myself any ways call me earlier tonight im going to bed earlier , please
ps hope u feel better i have somthing like that going on too, i think its an ear infection tho
hey :o) i like the background thats behind the black, its perdy :o) just commenting cos uh u asked lol. also that book u read-it rings a bell is there something to do with art in it or am i thinking of something totally different?ummm what else oh yeah jimi hendrix or led zeppelin!?tough choice!! (u'l understand if u read my last entry)
x J
i am god

wow sounds like a good walk to barnes n nobles....

there is no thing like that here!!!

that book sounds good

you should read CRANK

cant member who its buy...i will get back to you
By Candia, do you mean Canada? =P
I've got some friends in Winnipeg.
Online friends of course.
I don't remember where I was going with this, so I'm just going to go too.