machine head

Listening to: bush - testosterone
Feeling: eh
Today was an alright day. It didn't feel like Friday. We had shorter periods 'cause of the food fair, so that was pretty cool. After school I went to Chris's game and they played Dos Pueblos. We lost, 3 to 1 haha. The pitcher, #7 on the other team was soo flippin' gorgeous. EEK!! ♥. Then I walked home & my mom took me to blockbuster. I rented Hi-Fidelity and Clerks, and she bought me the Rolling Stone magazine (100 greatest artists). Then we went to Sav On and I bought stuff for my contacts (which are being bitches right now). "The tattoo of Jesus on my hand keeps me from masturbating." - Ex-Korn guitarist who left the band to devote his life to god. HAHAHAHA. Wooo. ♥Justine
Read 14 comments
thank you for the comment. im going to follow your advice. i should jump in the water, other ways i'll never know what it's like.

Haha... Yeah, those flipturns in the water are kinda difficult to learn. But not as hard as diving into the water for a start off the block. You know what I mean? When the swimmers first dive into the pool. That is the pitts, let me tell ya. Last year, I tried so hard to get those, but I always did belly flops and you could really hear the smack, too. It was funny because every time I dove off the block I could hear the crowd going "Ooooohhh..."
Yeah, I think after you do swimming as a competitive sport, it stops being fun and it starts to become work. Don't ruin your life like me!! I'm only doing it because I need PE credits and I hate running so I can't do any other sport. SAVE YOURSELF!!!
Thanks for liking my insults and life lessons. I appreciate your commentary! Have a GREAT day!
hm we didn't have school today. I went shopping lol =)
man , if only river phoenix didnt die , he would be so hot !
man , if only river phoenix didnt die , he would be so hot !
heh, wow you really do like baseball, thats cool. you're only the only other person i 'know' who will actually sit down at watch a game. trippeh.

Yay. And I see you changed the pictures on yoru entry! Very cute. Yeah, we only need 2 years of PE to graduate, too, but I only took it one year, so now I need 4 sports to make up 1 year of PE. Shmucks! Whoe ever invented that calculation is a shmuck!

Anywho, I like yo diary a lot. It reminds me of a bag of cheeze-its for some reason.

Have a good one!

I love that movie in your header pic. I have no idea what it's called.
Hahaha I believe you.
Guys, can't live with them but can't live without them.

I like Come Down and Glycerine by Bush.
Tis good.

whatever foo'
i would so kick yerrr butt!!

bus drivers should have a right to kill.
they go through so much.
Haha... When I read the comment you wrote me, for a second I was like WHAT?! Because you were like "That's so weird, I could get a scholarship..." But then you wrote not for any of those reasons, which cleared it up. Haha... And yeah, my GPA isn't that high off the charts either. I'll be lucky if it's even on the charts..

♥ :)
You knw what you should do?? Go out and do a bunch of crazy random things and I bet you you will get a scholarship for doing at least one of those things!

Mooning people, $1,000.
Picking your nose while burping the alphabet, $3,200.
Wearing gloves as toe socks- priceless.