it's just a bigger challenge, now

Feeling: aloof
Well, I guess Kody saw that last entry so we had a big discussion about it last night & he offered to stop smoking for me. I don't know how I feel about that. I mean, that would be really rad of him but I don't want him to stop doing something just because of me, you know?? I don't want to be one of those stupid girlfriends who try and control their boyfriends. I'm not a controlling person in general. I felt so lame 'cause I almost started crying because we were talking about my dad and ish and it was just weird. I haven't really talked about him like that in a long time. Since group. I don't like to cry in front of people. I don't like to CRY. Well, that got cleared up. So all is well. :]. I read Pretty Things yesterday. That book was really cute!! I want a gay friend now! Charlie was soo adorable and funny. I hated the girl, Daisy, though. She's a huge bitch. She actually expected the guy Walker to allow her to date him and her girlfriend, Claire. When Claire doesn't even want her, really!! Sorry, I get into books. I'm a nerd. Today Brooke & I & possibly Kody are going downtown for a bit. Then, the Id show♥! Hoo-raw!! I'm really excited. I haven't seen Id play for awhile. Tomorrow is Sexual Jedi & Crazy Jennette! ♥Justine
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hm, I think its impossible to not like them. I want to beat people up if they dont. BASTARDS!. hm, favorite hendrix song... so many good ones... either purple haze or all along the watch tower. what about you?
you're not trying to control him, you're worried about him nad you care about his health! i think he understands that, don't worry.