crucify this

Listening to: none
Feeling: longing
wow what a poopy day my ferrets have been taken from me as kate came down here this weekend and we got the ferrets together so now she has them even tho i was the only one that took care of them and loved them now i am petless unless you include the crappy cat that sucks and eats it's own tail and should die it was also the first day of hell week wich was incredibly horrible we had to do 400 yard im's which suck and not just one of them 2 of them and seeing as how i only swim freestyle that sucked we swam 6,000 yards im pretty sure i'm just going to sit here the rest of the night as no one seems to be home and i'm hurting and now i have no more fuzzy little buddies :( i'll watch my family guy season 4 which i have no realized i've had almost all of the episodes on my computer so it wont be anything new...hmm today would be a good day to go ice skating as it's not too cold but i have no skates and no one to teach me maybe i'll take a nap now as i'm sleepy after family guy....
Read 4 comments
worst entry...ever...quit being an idiot you're a waste of air
Eric the new episode was on yesterday
And some stupid kid ran up to your house and rang the doorbell, then concluded that noone was home so he took a shit in a bag, lit it on fire, and left it there but I found him for you and made him eat it....

Merry Christmas...

PS Ferrets are good
stop commenting bad comments upon yourself as they are not true and are very wrong.. and haha wow im sorry if you have 3 stds.. i got studeds once too.. i do not call them std's lol i call them studeds and im just pretty much writing them how they sound but its actually typed stds to me.. blah i dont know.. god im confusing.. and im sure you cannot follow any of what i just said.. wow retard im sure..
the answer to question number 16 is cute.