51 things you didnt know about me

Listening to: none
Feeling: horny
1. What is your middle name? fred...ahahaha 2. Do you have a crush? yea...but i shouldnt 3. What are you listening to right now?nothing 4. Last two digits of your phone? 24 5. Last thing you ate? twizlers sour 6. Last person you hugged? sarah 7. How is the weather right now? cold windy 10. Favorite food? umm tacos ;) 14. Hair color? brown 15. Eye color? blueish greenish greyish? 16. Do you wear contacts? sure do 18.Whens your Birthday? june 2ns 19. Have you ever cried for no reason? no 20. Last Movie you Watched? harry potter sad... 22. Last time you were out of state? mea break? 24. Something unusual about you? i have an abnormaly large penis 25. Your fav breakfast food? poptarts 26. Favorite color? black 27. What are you afraid of? rejection 28. If you could take a trip anywhere where would it be? russia 29. What books are you reading? of mice and men john stein back 30. number of peircings? 4073 31. Favorite movie? super troopers? 32. Favorite basketball team? basketballs a sport for pansys swimmings where its at 33. What were you doing before you filled this out? watching cops 34. Any pets? ferretos are the greatest 35. AIM? at what? msn 36. Buttered, Plain or Salted popcorn? Buttered 37. Dogs or cat? ferret 38. Favorite Flower? black Rose 39. Have you ever been caught doing something you werent supposed to be doing? yes 40. Are you single or taken? taken 42. Who would you like to see right now? some porn star or other annonymous stranger 43. Are you still friends with your ex's? haha thats a joke right? 44. Have you ever fired a gun? yes 45.ever flown in a plane? yes 48. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2 49. Are u missing Someone? Yes 50. do you want someone BAD right now? sadly enough i do and sadly enough its the person it should be 51. Do you still watch cartoons on saturday mornings? i sleep in till like noon so no
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