snuggle buddy

hmm well orchestra concert tonight went ok i guess jessica looked amazingly beautiful but shhh dont tell anyone and im sure if i told her that id die of embarassment because thats the way i am saturday kate called wanting to do something and we ended up snuggling for like 2 hours which i enjoyed except the fact that i feel used because she broke up with me yet im expected to be here for her when she comes up here hmm i really dont think jess would ever snuggle with me anyway just because its jess? and she doesnt really seem like a physical type of person yet i told this to lindsey and she ended up asking her and apparently she thought the same thing abbout me which is totally opposite of the truth as i would rather snuggle then have sex which is quite amazing and also when i around her i dont even think about sex its great i actually enjoy talking to her yet again i typed a retarded entry about my feelings that no one will ever read so it will make no difference what i say i could say anything like the fact i really really really really really like jess and im prettty sure a lot of people know that yet she doesnt seem to like me like at all its weird i usually feel ignored whenever im around her but i dunno....sarah wants to ask her to prom? but i dont know asking someone to prom would be very hard sucking rancid rabbit shit throught the wall with a straw would be so much easier then asking her to the prom...
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well i dont know what your thinking cuz i really really really really really really like eric as well..

and by the way..

you owe me a million dollars!