Teens - this is a call to action

TEENS We are selfish and in our lack of realization that we have it good we lose sight of all the great things and allow our worlds to turn grey. We fall into a hole that we ourselves have dug, abandoning the outside world for our own stupidity and the will to suffer... THE WORLD HAS SO MANY PROBLEMS THAT ARE SO MUCH BIGGER THAN US. THERE ARE WARS BEING FOUGHT FAMILIES BEING TORN APART CHILDREN BEING ORPHANED AND SLAUGHTERED - BY DISEASE, BY MILITIA, BY GOVERNMENT. Men have turned to government for an answer, and government has turned to violence. Somewhere, right now, someone is being raped in an alleyway, screaming for help with no one but her attacker(s) there to listen. Somewhere right now, a child is crying over the dead body(ies) of their parent(s), who have died of starvation, of war, or of disease. Someone just died of AIDS. Someone else just died of AIDS. Someone is contracting an STD and getting pregnant at the same time. Someone is unknowingly smoking their last cigarette, a poetic homage to the drugs we use to kill ourselves. Somewhere, right now, someone is realizing that there is so much to do and so little time, and finally trying to get started on a cure for this broken world. That's what should keep us going. We should all join. We will all be leaders. Pioneers of our world's destiny, of its future. Please help, for our world is in need of a band-aid and one hasn't yet been made large enough. There will never be enough manpower for this movement until we all work together. THIS IS A CALL TO ACTION
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But what can we do?
did you write that?

I am glad to see that not all of Americas youth is apathetic. I know we can't solve all the problems of the world- it isn't a perfect place- but even if everyone did just one thing to make it a better place it would improve so much. Don't loose your motivation. I am going to add you as a friend, if you don't mind.
Well said, thank you for writing that.
We can do a lot of things. Small things.

Yeah I wrote that. It was a moment.

In times of political turmoil, the youth begin to turn their heads, the stupid the other way and the intelligent to building a better life.

Look at all the punk music trying to affect the bad politics of this country... A revolution is starting and not even it's instigators know it yet.

I'm tired and in trouble for being up too late. Night.

~ Beth