Fizzy Love

Feeling: apathetic
Still dialing up aol... Hope to get in contact with the sons of bitches pretty soon to figure out why my dsl isn't working. Tomorrow is Decade Day at school, so Kim, Morgan and I went out thrift store shopping for 80's-style merchandise. I ended up with two new blue eyeliners and too many rhyming words in a row. I got some fishnet tights and green socks to wear together under the pants that I came home and ripped up. I also got a cute little bag and some hot pink hair color spray. I borrowed five dollars and some make-up from Kim to accomplish this, and I still really don't have a good shirt for it. They just didn't seem to have any that were good enough at Value Village :( In any case, I think my outfit is rather awesome. I may post a picture on this tomorrow, as I fully intend to abscond with the digital camera once again. This Sunday I have an interview for a volunteer program that involves going to a Latin-American country for eight weeks of my summer and doing community service projects. I'd be living with a host family and speaking Spanish just about the whole time. Sounds like fun, but kind of scary, especially if they don't have electricity. I mean, ME. TWO MONTHS. NO INTERNET. NO MUSIC. Yeah, that would be death. I'll have to get a bunch of lyrics and guitar tabs printed out to take with me if I do go. Next Saturday after the PSAT I'm considering skipping homecoming in favor of going to an Against Me concert in Bellingham, and crashing at my mom's place with Kim. I've been hanging out a lot with Kim lately, and this would be another time ditching Morgan for her. That's kind of sad, seeing as Morgan is my background-picture-girl and my best friend. I listen to "Little Muscle," and each of mine is slowly throbbing an SOS request for sleep. I realise that this may not be the easiest to read, as my background will show up differently on different monitor resolutions. It is, however, one of the most beautiful photos I have at present, and much better than the black nothingness that here resided before. I apologise, I've had little of anything poetic or interesting to say. I suppose this was more of a record-keeping blog entry than anything, but it's nice to keep updated anyone else that might be reading this for some unknown reason. Love and Good Night, Paz
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