Anakin, your breaking my heart! *sobs*

Listening to: Animal Cops on TV
Feeling: saucy
Went and saw Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. It was excellent. I was so excited about how it turned out. Little surprised about the ending, though I knew what would happen to Luke and Leia. Those who have seen it know what I'm talking about. Well anyway, I can't wait till it comes out on DVD to buy it. Found some other movies that i want to see.
Small list: War of the Worlds Narina The Island Batman Begins
Yeah those were the previews for Star Wars. I was really excited about Narina cause it has a lion and some other cool animals. War of the Worlds looks like an awesome movie. So i'm really excited about them. Saturday: Well actually Friday, went up to Butler in Indy for the Indy parade. 2 FREAKIN MILES!!!! Mom thought that I had walked, well marched (it's different), that far before but I hadn't. There was so much crap from some of the other band kids that I really don't want to go back. Made a new friend though, her name was Sam. She was really nice and played Bari Sax. I am never marching 2 miles again, that was cruel and unusal punishment. Once I came home and after sleeping the night away, Chris called and took me to the Rendevous. It was really fun and got a tiger-stripped, rabbit-pelt. Prolly the only pelt I will ever buy cause it was a rabbit and rabbit are really abundant. Well that was my weekend. Still excited about Star Wars (SW). It was just incredible. And well I'm gonna go before this comp locks up. Later
Quick Quiz: HASH(0x89b7818)

??Which colour of Death is yours??
brought to you by Quizilla Namire
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The cat didn't even meow loud or anything when it happened... I'm going to be more upset for her when we have to take her to get spayed and declawed. Poor cats. ):

If I was a Star Wars fan I would probably be really excited about the movie too. Glad you enjoyed it. A lot. My 'step-dad' cried when he saw it on Monday. hahaha. [Me and my brothers and mom went and saw The Longest Yard. Me = IN LOVE with Adam Sandler]

Much love.