Your Welcome/The Old Me

Listening to: Evanescence: Whisper
Feeling: dark
Well, I just want to say this to my new friend Grilldcheesey, that you're welcome. I really don't know what else to say that might help you, but you're welcome and anytime you need to talk to someone I will listen. *big evil grin before her story* how do you guys like my new background? ^______^ *ish very happy* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Draq walked into the living room, flopped in the chair, Kyran on her lap and stared at him. He stared back, slightly confused. "Mommy, what cha doin?" he asked. "Thinking," she replied. She wasn't really staring at him, but more or less at the wall behind him. "About what?" "What I use to be like." "What's that?" "Well, I was a loner, and a little brat." She then tickled his stomach turning her attention to him, and not the wall anymore. "But even though I was a little brat I didn't really care what anyone thought of me. I kept to myself, except when I was forced to work with others, then I sulked around the edge of the group. I was probably like this until about 6th grade, when I met Justine." She paused for a second. "I know we didn't hit it off at the beginning, but once we became friends, we were inseprable. I actually think I was friends with Chris a little before that, but we like seperated. But at 7th grade Chris and I rebecame friends. Trisha joined us too, then about the end of 8th grade Brittany became a friend of mine too." "Awwwww." Kyran lifted his hand and patted her cheek softly. She smiled and continued. "So you can see, Kyran, I was a social outkast, I loved it at times, but once I became best friends and practical sisters with Justine, being by myself didn't seem all that cool or fun anymore. Our little group has had our share of fights and arguements but that's what's going to happen. You'll get into fights, but when you're true friends, your friendship should last through even the toughest of fights." Kyran looked at her, smiling. "Mommy?" "Yeah?" "I love you." "I love you, too." Draq then rocked the lazy boy, rocking Kyran to sleep. "And I hope your friends will never leave you," she added in a whisper. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *tears up* ok, little trip down memory lane. If you haven't really figured out, Draq's events are similar to my days and any problems I'm having, she'll have. *thinking DUH!!!* Whelp, Trish, Briters, Holly, and Justine I love you girls, and you too Armand. Simply, Dark Darqulyn
Read 6 comments
Awww! Such a cute story!
ohmigod. *tears fall down cheeks*.....

I love you too Ashley. So much, you're my Crippled Midget Twin (One) Sister, and don't you ever forget that.

*hugs forever and never lets go*
haha btw I LOOVE your background...
naturally! lol
*Crys* I LOVE U ASHLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs*
AWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! *pouncies and huggles* That's so cute Ashley! I wuv you too!!!!!! :) :) :)

(Even though while reading this you probably wish you'd never met me and that I'd get the fuck away. *smirks*)

Hyper Happy Fuzzball
Btw... hott background. Lego looks PRETTY NICE in ALL of those pictures..... *whistles*