Sunday Problems

Listening to: Silence
Feeling: aggravated
Ooohhh.. grrr... I offically hate my life at this moment. Last night G spent the night at my house cause there were some respect issue going on between his father and me... His father basically has no respect for me and I now have none for him. Well G sleeps in till about 12 and then gets up and we leave my house around 12:30-1ish. I send Aubrey a txt saying that we are heading to his house, since she wants to see him before he leaves and this is really the only day she can now. So we get to his house and his dad's gone (yay no fighting) and we go in and chill for a bit. Nick calls and tells me he's on his way. Nick gets there and it's all good. We're chilling, having a good time, then Aubrey shows up... nothing bad happens... he talks to her for a bit, gets a little upset (I think), she gives him his stuff back and then he ends up leaving in his moms car (after awhile), spinning the wheels (I know he's upset now). His dad comes home while he's out... now Jack called his dad a little after he left and told him that G was gone in mom's car and spun the wheels and that he didn't know where he went. His dad drives by the house when he gets home, goes around the block, and then parks. Now at this point I'm not going inside cause his dad would have just disrespected me, so I stayed outside and waited, with Nick, for G to show up. He comes back after about 20 minutes or so with a card. He gets out of the car and Jack asks him where he went and then asks him if he knows how to play a skin flute... asshole. I keep him outside to try to ask him what's wrong and he just says "Everything". After a little bit, Aubrey's mom walks out and says "we're getting ready to leave so if you want to see Aubrey you better come say goodbye". She then proceeds to ask him if he's been spreading rumors about them sleeping together (which aren't true, as far as I know and he never did spread any as far as I know... he wouldn't do that). She pretty much yells at him, tells him she'll deck him if he is, and then walks back inside. G then proceeds to rip up the card and tossed it on the ground. At this point, I'm trying to think of a way to pick his mood up but I know nothing will work. We stand out there for 10 minutes or so and then his dad walks out and says "are you gonna come say goodbye"... G tells him no and goes to throw away the card that he ripped up. When he gets over by the house his dad basically makes him go talk to him. They talk for a few minutes then I hear "She is a bitch" and I look at where they are standing and his dad is pointing at me... he then said something along the lines of "She has no respect for me" and I just started crying. Nick was trying to comfort me but it wasn't any good. His dad talks to him for a few minutes and then he walks inside. G walks over and ask me about some message I supposedly sent to Aubrey. He gets all ticked off at me about it, tells Nick he'll write him and walks away. I call to him, asking him to come back... he looks at me and walks inside. I lost it... I just freakin cried my eyes out. I asked Nick if he would go and get G so I could tell him goodbye, but when Nick went up to ask, he walked in.. dad told him to knock before he came in so Nick had to walk back out, knock on the door and then asked if he could talk to G. His dad basically told him it was time to leave. So Nick and I head back to my house since he didn't want to leave me when I was upset. On the way home I txted Aubrey to see if she was still at G's house so she could tell him to call me later since I wanted to say goodbye and never got to. But she told me she wasn't at his house and that she wouldn't call him since she didn't want to screw up her relationship with his family. Thanks for nothing. Well I txted her for a while and asked her about the message I supposedly sent. She sent me a copy and it's not even how I type and when she said I sent it Fri I knew it wasn't me cause I was too pissed about his dad's behavior towards me to send her a message like that. So I know I didn't send it but she still thinks I did... I mean I don't know how to explain it coming from my phone but I know for sure I didn't type it... I'm still trying to remember if I set my phone down at any point that night and if Jack had a chance to pick it up and send her something like that. So now I've been txting Aub for like 2 hours or more trying to figure out what the hell went wrong and if she would call him for me but she won't... so I'm done talking to her. (all I wanted Aub was for you to tell him to call me... I honestly don't think that would have affected your relationship with his family). Nick left about an hour and a half ago to head home since he has school tomorrow. So now I'm waiting... waiting for G to call me of his own free will to talk.... to say goodbye... but I doubt he'll call me cause I think he's mad at me... if he would freakin call me, we could work this out. I'm trying to figure out how I can say goodbye to him before he leaves and at least sort some of this out and the only real way I can think of, other than calling his house now and having his dad hang the phone up on me, is to call SSgt tomorrow around 1 or so and ask him to let me talk to G. Well I'm done for now... I hope I get to talk to G before he leaves tomorrow... if not, then I hope he writes me. I didn't want him to leave for BC on a note like this, but I'm not too sure if it could be helped. so... later all.. pray (or whatever it is you do) that he calls me... I really want to talk to him.
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