No one saved nobody. God, drama queens. *shakes head*

Feeling: lost
I got to watch Beautiful People last night. Now if you've never heard of this show then I guess you better pay attention. This show is the best "Teen Soap Opera" (as Brittany puts it) in the world. “Beautiful People” (8 tonight, ABC Family). If you have a daughter between the ages of 12 and 17, you might want to tune in to this show, because chances are excellent that she’ll be watching. This button-pushing soap opera, set in a tony prep school on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, features teenagers who snort coke at a party, use Valium to take the edge off going to class, binge drink and get it on in the hot tub. And that’s just in the first 44 minutes. At the show’s core is, in fact, a family — a broken family but one nonetheless. Former “Melrose Place” star Daphne Zuniga (see interview on Showtime page) returns to the small screen as the mother of two daughters, just arrived in New York after a marriage breakup in New Mexico. The older girl, Karen (Torrey DeVitto), wants to be a model — did I mention she has body issues? — while Sophie (Sarah Foret) is the token scholarship student at snobby Brighton, where her middle-class status sets her apart from “the BPs,” her “beautiful” classmates, who have all the ugly personal problems that people like to think constantly torment the super-rich. Clearly, the new management at ABC Family has envied “Degrassi,” the long-running Canadian teen drama, and “The O.C.,” the intergenerational Fox soap, because “Beautiful People” is a hybrid of both shows. Despite its “Degrassi”-like attempts to be real and relevant, “Beautiful People” is, like “The O.C.,” totally in its own world of parties and limo rides and $80 lunches and other things viewers won’t relate to unless they’ve recently won the lottery. That said, moms (and dads) should take this show seriously. Foret, in particular, is very appealing as the nerdy fish-out-of-water. I think Sophie’s moxie will win over viewers; she gives as good as she gets in her dustups with the rich girls at school. Also, the storyline involving her mom and an unhappily married publishing mogul (who, in one of those only-on-TV coincidences, is an old flame from college) might keep the grown-ups engaged. - SPOILER If you haven't seen any of beautiful people then plz don't read ahead, unless you don't care and aren't going to watch it anyway. But i recommend that you do cause it's really good. Now apart from all of that, Britterz and I both think that Nicholas (Nicky) is hott. i mean he's pretty damn good looking, he's rich, but he's a real ass when it comes to Sophie and how's he's treated her in the first 3 episodes. I mean it looks like he's treating her pretty good, but really it's all for something totally different. But I think by episode 3 or 4 he realizes that he likes her and it's not all for show now... he truely means it, or i think he does. Well I'm outta here. I gotta finish eating and then get ready for band practice. Later
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i love slytherin.