~105~ *sits in her small cubby hole*

Feeling: depressed
Lately I've been reading Chickens Soup for the Teenage Soul on Love & Friendships. It's made me think back on my friendship with a particular friend. Well to start off, our schools merged in '99, sixth grade (I'm in the 11th now, not sure if the year is right, I'm to lazy to figure it out), and we became the best of friends by the end of our sixth grade year. That summer, and the next summer, and even the next we spent together, like sisters. Some of the teachers would even joke that we were joined at the hip. Slowly, though, our friendship was going up in smoke. I was hanging out with Chris more and well, she was getting closer to a new band kid, a seventh grader at the time. 10th grade summer we spent 6 weeks on campus, sorta got back together as friends, but then when it was over, she wouldn't talk to me. She said she got tired of seeing me, but didn't want to hurt my feelings. I probably made it worse by saying that I wasn't hurt, when truly I was... I was devastated. This year I feel that I don't even know who she is anymore, though I still spend my morning, lunch, and part of my afternoon with her. We don't talk much and well, she's sorta changed more than I thought she could. She never talks to me, except when she wants advice... and it makes me mad. After all we've been through, I can't believe that we've become so distant. *shakes her head* I just wish our friendship could be like it was in 7th and 8th grade, pure, and sister-like. Each the sister the other never had. But like they say, as you get older you change, but I'm afraid her change as been to drastic for me to handle. *looks around* I'll leave you now.
This is Draqulyn saying "Fick dich Schlampe."
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