Death... doesn't it scare you????

Feeling: schizophrenic
Whelp, if you've been wondering where I have been this weekend. I was at my Great-Grandma Weston's house. She's in the hospital right now. Doctor's are saying she probably isn't gonna make it; she has a very, very, very weak heart. On the way up there I almost died.... Yep, I did. We were just outside Robbinson, IL and some truck had spilled Diesel all over the road. And diesel on the road is like Ice and it didn't help that it was raining too. But mom was taking it slow and the police had said that the diesel was only to the next town, Oblong. But once we got to Oblong we realized it went through it. But mom was thinking 'ok, once we get out of Oblong, the diesel will be gone.' Well there's this turn right outside Oblong and as we started turning, the car started fishtailing and my mom hadn't done anything. And this truck was coming at us. Mom was spinning the stearing wheel trying to straighten the car out and we almost went in the ditch, then we almost got hit by the car coming at us and then almost went in the ditch again. Mom had said that if the truck had hit us it would have hit my side and probably almost killed me. Yesh, so I was pretty freaked out this weekend. And the only thing I could think about during the whole thing was 'I hope Garrett got my e-mail.' and 'I hope my friends are okay.' Man I was so scared that I thought I had died. Even when my mom kept trying to tell me that it was okay and the diesel was finally gone when we got to Newton, I didnt' want to believe her and just kept thinking the same thing about Garrett and my friends. OH yeah, and I had a dentist appointment like Wednesday, the day before I left for my grandma's house. I freaked out as soon as he put the numbing ointment on. He called my mom in and told her he couldn't believe I was this phobic. Well it really isn't the dentist, it's more or less needles and my last dentist really didn't help my phobia. Yes, that was my eventful weekend. I'm glad it's over. Well, I'm outta here, I think I'm gonna call Garrett, and see how his weekend went. Draq
Read 6 comments
Vin Deisel is hott....I don't know if I spelled that right though
Was I one of those friends that you thought in hoping they were alright?? If it does you any good to know, I missed you in the time that you were away for those six weeks. Your comments really did bring out the positives and gave sight to I was not alone in having to deal with everything. Best of days to you. ^.^
I LOVE THE LAYOUT!!!!! lol vin diesel is soooooo HOTT! lol good movie... okay later daze!

Well, a new poem is up! ^_^
New things in my diary!
**Pounces on hott stud pictures!!!!!** *Drools over Draq's layout... watches at the screen spazzes and goes black.* NNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

holly the hopeless....