Quizzy time

Feeling: bored
Whelp I took a quizz and guess who I got... dracula
You are Count Dracula!

You have walked the earth for centuries and are
known by many names--Nosferatu, the walking
dead, the devil's son, vampyre, Count Dracula.
A soulless immortal, you emerge under a cloak
of darkness with your vampire brides to strike
fear into the hearts of the living and to feed
upon their blood. You can be charming and
charismatic, but if you don't get your way
terrifying is a more appropriate


Which Van Helsing Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Read 5 comments
I like the new Layout!
By the way, Sango wrote the last comment.
You have a lot of Spirited Away stuff. Haku is THE BEST.
ooh, sorry, not a big anime person...
my sister dragged me to it when it made its big english debut...

ummm try tangerine. She might know.
thank you for your comments :). They're nice. Sorry about your story going on hold for a while, really enjoyed that heh.

Hope things are ok with you :)
Take care
