~25~ *glares* Piss Off!!!!!!!

Listening to: Helm\'s Deep
Feeling: placid
Troy comes to theaters: Not sure, but it's like in a month or two LOTR: ROTK on DVD: This summer (Yay, I'm so excited) POTC2: Trisha said they started the screen production like a week ago (Yay, more William and [Captain] Jack Sparrow mischief) (I'm not good with dates, I'm surprised I even remembered Troy and POTC2) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whelp I've been so into sneaking on here and what not lately, that I forgot that we went and saw Hidalgo and I have to say "THAT IS AN AWESOME MOVIE!!!!!!" *glares* I hate Denathor, or however you spell his blasted name. (If you don't know who I'm talking about, he's Faramir and Boromir's Father in Lord of the Rings[LOTR]) Geeze he was a Jackass in Return of the King(ROTK), and he's as much of a jackass if not more in the special version of The Two Towers(TTT). Man Faramir deserves a better father, someone who actually loves him. But then again I guess Denathor did realize (too late, I might add) that he did love Faramir, but that was went he was trying to burn him and himself and only succeded in burning himself. (If you haven't seen ROTK, then you really should when it comes out, cause it's awesome, thou beware the Wraith screeches) OH and for those of you that were glad that I had joined track (whenever that was) I'm now quiting. It's cause my legs are killing me and it hurts to run. And the pain probably shouldn't be occuring where it is. (on the front of my leg, slightly to the right) And Britters I would try to stay in track, but she'll make me run the warm-up and I'll end up injuring my leg further. Oh yay, Happy Birthday Britters. ~~With something to think about I leave you now: Which means he's human now, which has two draw-backs: A concious...and...a short life span. Hey, so sue me I can't spell. Oh and that was Bartalbe from Dogma. And that isn't how you spell his name either, so screw you.
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hey ash i know exactly how you feel... people are annoying. don't even know why i'm here. later daze, luv ya babe