Britknee K Needs a break or a friend...or a group?

Feeling: blah
Gawl you rat, JG. I feel left out. Everyone all hangs out with POatrick and mariah and Jenna and jg and the other jg but not i...i mean i have andrew and hes like supersweet but i need like...more people to hang out with. i mean im never invited ANYWHERE. and im always grounded. I come home alone everyday after school, how boring. i need to play poker. i feel...uh...left out again...they do a lottz of stuff together they have movie nights all the time and poker nights and monopoly nights and aarg its just...hard not to be friends with your old friends anymore. you know what i mean?
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briti knows who this is...she doesnt need a name for it...thats why ive left and kept my crap private becuse i dont want the whole fucking school reading my stuff...that was personal and now everyone else is on here bringing there drama...
hey ya i know how it is it sucks really bad too this year is the worst year yet so dont feel too bad i have it worse...luv ya always!~neen~
also,dont forget about your "new" friends, im sure they dont want to be forgotten while you go back to everyone else.

unless thats what want...but just dont go crying back to them if you "miss" hanging out with them to

signed yours truly,
i agree....and light my darkness was jorge's thing....not cool not cool.
stop using fuckin nick names for each other and why did you add all those "friends" you dont even fucking know them


Yeah sure I will come and hang out with you and danyou and greg. I get to work at sonshine and get in free for the rest of the time isnt that cool yeah it is super cool.
Britknee there is a poker night at church on thursday Wat time is it and can I bring a friend
no jeff. sorry.
youre not making me ivite you
i want you to come
Ok ok i get it.
you have 10 nnow
how do you practice for extemporaneus
fing hell idk how to spell
MWAHAHAHA <<<----evil laugh
Yeas you'll come over and we'll play poker all night. Poker is way better than monopoly.
yes i no what you mean....i dont want you to feel left out....hmmmmmmmmmm
But like i said do't get youre hopes up because you know how he is when he's pissy
Fine. We'll ask dad when he gets here if you can come spend the night