It is now time for you to rise and Bring forth your squirrel

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: awake
Joanna- in one word....pleaser...I love joanna too but she is a people pleaser...which is not always a bad thing. A Brittany and Joanna Friend-Line Summer of 1997 Joanna Marie Green and Brittany Cae Anderson attend the summer dance class at the Willmar City Auditorium. Dance to the song...The Mickey Mouse March...And You're the one I want from the hit flick GREASE... 1997-1998 Joanna and Brittany discover they are in the same second grade class, Mrs. Behrends, at Jefferson Elementary School in Willmar Minnesota. 1998-2000 Brittany and Joanna request to be in the same looping class at Kennedy Elem. They end up in Mrs. Johnson's third and fourth grade class. room 207. They realize they have a great bond. 2000-2001 Brittany and Joanna happen to be in the same fifth grade class, Mrs. Smith, Roosevelt Elem. More bonding takes place 2001-2002 Brittany and Joanna once again happen to be in the same class, Mrs. Nelson, room 505...worst teacher expierence ever...First marching band season together. 2002-2003 Seventh Grade...Brittany and Joanna have two classes together at Willmar Junior High, Advanced Pre-Algebra, Ms Berg, and Seventh Grade Band, Mr. B.Marching band continues. 2003-2004 Junior high continues...Joanna and Brittany band together. thats it. still hang out, though. Bible Study begins. Brittany Joins the Green Family in Florida on a family vacation... 2004-2005 High rocks...twice the time between classes to see each other, being as they have NO classes together. which sucks...Brittany joins the Green family once again on a trip down south. It is now time for you to rise and bring forth your squirrel to...the BAGEL SHOPPE! I miss you already!
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