This evening brings

Listening to: FastCar-Tracy Chapman
Feeling: fat
is this strange or what? i walked into abercrombie and american eagle today and found myself looking at clothes and wondering what i'd look like in them. i really want to lose weight this summer. really i think that's my goal. to: lose weight and be healthy. and to sleep more and have fun. is that unrealistic? i had so much fun. justin drew steph alison and i were going to play minigolf and lazer tag at the lava lounge. so we played like six holes on minigolf and decided it was lame, so we went to rosedale. that's how we came about this madness, of losing weight and dressing preppy. i really watned to give Drewfus a makeover, he really needs one. i mean you just can't wear plain colored sweatshirts adn tshirts EVERYDAY! bah and then he didnt want to try on clothes. so that made me sad. and then we went to target to get hair dye to give him highlites. ah, his mother loves me. She was like sure...and then i was excited. and then Drew decided to be crabby and was like well, blah i dont want anything done. and so now we're doing before the end of this weekend or! i will be sad forever and never talk to him again. i really want his hair to be black with bleach blonde highlights. i dont know. it was funny.

MEANWHILE, I can't stop thinking about: Image hosting by Photobucket

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ahaha willmar pep band what a gay event in life.