Today's Not So Bad!

Feeling: ambitious
Hey guys! I hope willmar rocks. yesterday we went ot this really cool resteraunt which has fifty centt tacos on monday nights and they were really good! Sarah Elizabeth Marie Frank is coming to stay with us and we're going to pick her up tomorrow in St. Cloud then Madison Denae Anderson is going to ride back with Sarah Elizabeth Marie Frank's mother to Willmar and go to Danielle Rae Bredehoeft's birthday party and stay at Catherine Alexis Grewe's house. which means i get the computer!!!! Rocks! I came home from my trip with the Green's yesterday and it was so much fun! you should all get a chance to go on a trip like that! so yeah!im kinda happy today, yesterday was kind of like....i dont know i wasnt in a good mood, but i guess today's a better one, even though yesterday i heard from my fat cow, Mariah Christene Engwall!!! Its so good to hear from you guys! like Steph called me the other day and its so cool to hear your voices! it helps me feel...i dont know. not so lonely! but yeah...really. im serious when i say call me. please do. PLEASE!!!lol im not that desperate, but i am kinda lonely. im gettin to kinda like to hang out with Madi. shes not so bad. dam, ive changed a lot lately. Laney and Bailey are still ultra cute so i dontknow how that would change! Laney has surgery tomorrow, shes getting new ear tubes and theres two small holes on the roof of her mouth. which scares me, shes five and they've had to give her a lot of surgery, but shes been a good, strong girl and i just thank God for making everything go well. i dunno why im so chipper. you're not used to it are you? oh i started calling myself Cae(K) yeah thats my middle name but i dont like Brittany anymore because too many people have it. i think i like this moving thing. too many people know me there and know who i am. even madis getting called by her middle i have changed! I getta go get my new permit, maybe thats why im excited. ive decided to look upon this move as an adventure not a death sentence. i can and will still keep in touch with you guys! i promise!
Read 5 comments
wow.. lotta fun,huh? I hope your sister will be ok. I'm kinda worried even though i dont know her! yah, ur changing.. fer the better! love yas!


Cant wait fer sonshine!!! lol
hi! sorry about talkin to ya on msn web messenger when i knew u were busy! I didnt mean to really talk and bugg you... i was trying to retrieve some previous conversation... sorry! lol.

~mavo really were in a good mood i guess. haha that was weird. but then you got pissy:( STUPID MENSTRAUTION. lmao EEK! I GET TO SEE IN YOU IN LIKE 6-7 HOURS!!!! i love you!!!

i think its cool you and your sister get along. i htink that it would be awesome to be friends with a sibling. but jenny is just too weird. chris is awesome i guess though. but he doesnt talk to me much. haha
it saddens me to think like this, but i dont know what else to think....what if?
That is sooo good that ur deciding to look at this move as an adventure and not something bad! you will have such a better life if u have that look out! lol. Man, im going all advicy or w/e on ya now... lol. well, later!
