U asked what was wrong & I said nothing...As u walked away I

No one understands what I feel for you at all… And this has never happened to me…for some reason, you have caught my eye…everything that I hate about boys, is in you and everything that I like in boys, you don’t have…I don’t understand myself sometimes…it’s funny because you always wonder why she doesn’t like you, but for the first time [e v e r] I saw you and how you act with her and no wonder!….you must get so worried or nervous or whatever because you act like an ass….I really wish I could tell you this in person…whenever you’re near me (for the most part), you’re just a normal person…I can only imagine how you act in public with her…We can have normal conversations and just be friends…yet I see this and for some reason this has no effect on how you feel about me I just can’t give up on you, no matter how much I know that you will never feel for me what I feel for you…not even close…how is it that the world works like that…I always see people who like each other…what are the odds that the person you like is going to like you back?…in my life it has never happened and I don’t know why my luck is so terrible….I wish for just one day that I could know what you were thinking when you are with me…it would be great to know the truth and not just what I want to hear… You are not the only person who has done this to me and I really don’t like it…it sucks when you don’t understand how much time and energy I put into just trying to keep you around…I wish that you would prove to me or tell me at least that you will always be there…like a true friend…that would be the greatest thing you could ever do for me…. Why is it the hardest when you love someone? For some reason, whenever you are feeling so wonderful about someone, you can’t be honest. Whether or not you’re afraid of rejection or too embarrassed to be truthful with your feelings. Why does it seem that when you like or love someone, you have to be ashamed? And how is it that whenever someone finds out you like them, they get weird? Shouldn’t it be a compliment? Shouldn’t they be flattered that someone cares about them that much? And when you see them for the 1st time and they know, why is it an awkward moment? Or say they don’t know you like them, or you know they know and they know you like them but you’ve never completely said it? Why does that make it harder to be their friend? Or when you know that another girl is in the same position as you, she likes him but for some reason they are such better friends and hang out all the time? What happens when you are so in love with someone that you can’t help but think about them? And it hurts more than anything in the world that they don’t even think about you at all that way. It’s too frustrating when you know that there is literally no chance ever and it makes your heart hurt every single time you see them? Or if they’re in the same situation as you and you listen to them constantly about their problems, when you’re having your own, God forbid they’re ever discussed. And if you’re ever alone, why does it have to be weird? Why is it that whenever we talk, its about other people…it seems that’s all we have in common. Why is it that you try so hard to be his friend…it’s just so damn hard? And you know you are putting in so much more effort than him and it sucks because he doesn’t even care. And if it’s ever discussed, nothing gets accomplished at all. In one ear and out the other. All you want to do is yell their name all the time and you know you can’t because of what might happen. It’s really a sad world when you’re feelings for someone has to be hidden because you’re afraid of what someone else will say. What does it even matter? And why do I always hear these stories of people dating because they like each other’s personalities and not looks? Why can’t that ever happen to me? Why does the person I am so in love with feel these great feelings for this other girl? And he claims that it’s not her looks…. then what have I been doing for the past year? No one realizes how hard it is to try to look at someone you love as a friend. It’s worse that way and he knows exactly what I mean because he feels the same way about someone else. why is it that it is so hard for you to be my friend? I have never had any problems with anyone else loving me as a person…it must be you. It has to be. But why? Why do I have to be the person who chooses the person with no real emotion as a love interest? I must have no luck. But it’s not like I can help it. Why doesn’t he care? Why can’t he care as much as I do or at least know how much I care? I really wish just one day it would dawn on him. Why can’t life be like the movies? The dorky girl gets the man of her dreams…movies are so fake. Life doesn’t happen like that. Not even close. In real life, hearts are b r o k e n and can never be fixed.
Read 21 comments
i love your header picture
Jen Jen you need to write more ofteennn.. you never write anymorezz!!!... :( ..
love you! ♥ xoxox tarynn
writing jus how i felt..well anyways wats been up with you..that was me that was anyonymous..didnt notice i wasnt in..well anwyays hollas..much love..Drina
Hey..i see u cant come thru on an old friend..now that u have new ones..haha..but nayways they erased my list..how'd u get urs back??..Thanx for re
I just checked out Sime's diary on my rounds.
Man, some heavy shit went on =P
How is you?
...and as stereotypical as this sounds, i hope everything works out.

best of luck,

every word of this, every sentence, every thought, is exactly what i am feeling about a boy right now too.

you seem like a cool person...
Hey love.
How are you?
When is Sime coming back!
Hope all is good.

Hey, long time no talk. =)
I talked on the phone today. For 50 minutes. :o

I burned myself while on the phone. I was playing with a lighter, and was heating up a spring, and dropped the spring. So I went to pick it up, and I accidently picked it up by the hot end.

"So then at Jessie's cottage I--"
"MOTHER FUCKER!...Sorry, continue."

Heh heh, I'm so proud of myself. =)
hey lovey
hey it*s me..brokenthoughts they deleted everyone off the friends list but add me on this one if you wanna..bye :)
Omg.. that all made me get a tear in my eye. everyword is exalty how i feel.. ive never know how to write it down.. but that, that is just so much what i feel.. i cant belive that, its like you have the same brain as me or somthing.. lol, Hope your ok..

can't wait until i get back dude....wait for me...should be damn soon....xoxooxxo say hi to my wombat for me (sammy)... keep safe dude
Yeah, I'm barely ever on too.
I should update some time...

Meh, nothing happens in the summer. Things are much more structured in the winter. Things are supposed to happen then. =P

I've been writing japanese kata kana characters and binary on my arm every sunday. This one girl keept telling me I'll get ink poisoning and die. Then I drew on her, and she died.
Parks are good, playgrounds are great also =P But then theres old ladies backyards and on the floor in front of the brother and the brothers room when he's away, the mothers floor when she's also away, the kitchen bench...Hahaha.
I'm being convinced that a car might have to come next =P
But yes, you are one up on me =D
how was your day
I love you babe

Oh man, that sucks about that girl Simon liked.
She should be lined up and shot. =P
Damn those life wrecking whores.
haha, on a better note: I'm going to Sydney =P
And I bet you I'm just as bad as you, the tennis table wasn't the only things that happened =P
I really don't like apprearing innocent =)

hopefully getting mine fixed
yeah it makes me very sad :(
Hahhaa!! yeah ive got msn, its ash_77_55@hotmail.com :P yay add me!
