
An old friend of mine told me that she was concerned for me. Isnt it funny how the people who leave your life and don't talk to you for a year come back just to say they think you have a problem. I find this funny because she hasn't thought twice to call me or contact me this whole year. Then suddenly.. she calls to tell me I have a drinking problem... "Jen you are an alcoholic." Please , that's the least of my problems. Life at the moment just calls for some drinks every now and then.. especially now. I love to forget. Then she tells me I have a problem of using sex and alcohol as means to try and forget all my "problems" Fuck you up there controlling my fate, making sure I'll never get anything I want to love. Only drinks that pour and those to give out. There are only so many words I can write in the dark, to contimplate in these intoxicated times, when I know tomorrow I won't be able to read these lines... Open mind and heart and enter you- what was I thinking falling for you? I fell hard, now it just hurts and the scraped knee begins to bleed As he said....."If u like him then tell him...Do you wanna be a sex object at his disposal, ready to fuck at the click of his fingers...But you ask yourself, do you only like him cause of sex?..." ======================================================================================================================================= I love to see beauty in things in life I believe the world will never revolve around one person I¡¯m that person you mum told you to stay away from as a kid I fall in love way to easy I want you to figure me out People close to my heart will always stay that way The world distracts me too easily I say, I hate you often, but I never mean it. if the world ended and i was there to see it i would be the one saying 'its about time' I have the best dreams but I always have to wake up Kisses in the rain are my favourite Taking photos from the heart not just because I can I believe you can never run away from yourself I ignore the world a lot I¡¯m gullible and it always is used to hurt me I regret all those times I thought I was in Love Every time I smile my heart gets a little lighter
Read 12 comments
eeey I*m good..ya it*s been awhile..nope nothig else new..love your entry..really thoughtfull..take care =)
thank ya =)..about your entry..I hate people who do that too..(family members of mine)..everyone experiences it when really it*s none of their buisness unless you want to make it theirs..your life your choices you know?
yep so what*s new with you?
you are back? wow that muct suck we are just finished..we start in sept..
really really short =S
im allways here for you!!
Yea people all of a sudden want to get back in your life as soon as they see the chance to "fix" you so they can feel good about themselves. Even when theres nothing really wrong. Happens to me too. Well, just wanted to say that your diary is kickass. Have a nice life. Bye.

Eww, myspace.

I'll come spam you some time soon. =P
Or write an entry...Whichever come first. =P
hey dude, i miss talking to you all the time too. i got alot of things i want to tell u but my computer is still down. as soon as it is fixed i will be on it and talking to you again. no worries. keep safe until i talk to yoy again. thinking of you
That's not possible!
In fact, I'm still writing an entry that I started yesterday! Just for YOU to read!
skip is a fuckhead:) hehe love u jen jen
Where have you
been my love