And what's the worst you take from every heart you break

Well, I have a pile of assignment and shit I could be doing but I have that much crap running through my head at the moment I can't concentrate. There's so much shit happening again...Its like everything will be fine and all at once everything happens....Pisses me off.... I got with this guy last week, I still havent heard from him. Maybe he just doesnt have any credit, i was hoping that might be it but I think he just wanted sum sex, he got it and doesnt intend on talking to me until the next time he wants some....It was good while it lasted, I just liked the feeling again of bein able to lie there in somones arms, its so good...I felt like nothin else mattered...I dont really have any feelings for him...Its just more of a physical attraction than anything else, it was just nice not to feel so alone...That probably sounds pathetic but I don't know how else to explain it... As for the guy that was going away, I came to the conclusion the other night that he go to hell after our conversation...I hadn't talked to him for a week and this is how it went.... Me: hey Him: Hey Me: how r u him: good, u me: alright Me: I haven't talked to u for awhile Him: Maybe I havent felt like talking to u... Me: um alright.... Him: Maybe I've more important things to do than talk to you Me: um ok *silence* Me: I never said u didnt *silence* Me: Well obviously you have more important things to do now than talk to me so I'll go *in my sarcastic voice* Him: yup good *I hung up* So that was great, just as typical as always, I actually have feelings for someone and they fuck me around and throw it back in my face. Fucking typical... The fact that before that happened I was already in a shit mood coz I got a msg from raymond that afternoon saying he found out where my necklace was, so I all excitedly rang him asking him where it was and he said "Ive found it alright" and I asked where and he said "Around skyes neck"....I swear my heart could of dropped out of my chest right there and then. I don't know whether I was more angry or upset...both I think. Because of the fact, that he blatantly denied he had it to me and to raymond and he lied about it time after time again. Also because of the fact that he knew what that fucking meant to me, he knew how much the guy I got it from meant to me and to me to even give it to him in the first place was a huge deal for me, so not to give it back annoyed me, but when i found out she had it fuck I got annoyed... I hate her so much, Shes not keeping it, I will get it back....They can threaten to kill me, bash me, show up at places wanting to, send ppl out looking for me, abuse me, do what they like but theres no way in the world she is keeping it... Leah is pissing me off but thats a whole different story...I'm just sick of her and her slutty ways.... -------------------------------------- My life reads like the classifieds Pages of whats for sale Whats on the auction block Attention bidders! Its line 45 She's got a decent voice, She's got that crooked smile Hold on, you havent heard the best yet She writes good storylines, She's got those honest eyes So take her home for just $9.95 She'll sing the songs you like, She'll keep you warm at night -------------------------------------- My grandmother died last night, It doesn't actually worry me all that much coz I wasnt that close to her and shes been dying for the past 6 months and shes better off that way but the atmosphere around here atm is so tense....I hate it...Life goes on...That may sound very...unsypmathetic but its true...She was old, she had cancer, she died...Simple as that...Funeral should be interesting though...Since all of dads family hate each other should make it a very interesting day...Seeing as they haven't all been in the same room as each other since the last funeral which was about 20 years ago.... Other than that everything else is alright, work is shit, school is shit, being alone is shit...Im just in a bad mood and Ive had enough of everything and everyone.......... -------------------------------------- baby dont you know we're all whores -------------------------------------- Another knife in my hands A stain that never comes off the sheets Clean me off I'm so dirty babe The kind of dirty where the water never cleans off the clothes I keep a book of the names and those Only goes so far 'til you bury them So deep and down we go Touched by angels, though I fall out of grace I did it all so maybe I'd live this every day Another knife in my hands A stain that never comes off the sheets Clean me off I'm so dirty babe The kind of dirty where the water never cleans off the clothes I keep a book of the names and those Only goes so far 'til you bury them So deep and down we go Touched by angels, though I fall out of grace I did it all so maybe I'd live this every day your my star If looks could kill you'd be a murderer....or maybe just a whore...
Read 97 comments
Lmao sorry i didnt nkow there was more.. I love your attatude :P haha.
Lmao! Had a silimare one likes yours 2..

me - (once again) talknig to Lily
Him - You 2 gurls be quiet
me -(at this stage we wernt talking) But Mr we wernt talknig!
him - Im not going to explain this to you jsut sit there quietly
(he was teaching us how to do shit on the board
---L8er on ---
Me - Mr i dont know how to do this
Him - you should of been listening
Me - you told me you werent teaching ti to me
him - *rolls eyes*

Wow that conversation did suck and since i am a guy , i could come up with a lot better things to say. Call me sometime youll see haha
thanx :)
Hey darl!

Oh shit that sucks about that guy.
I suppose the night would have been fun but geez.
What is with men.
This doesnt make me like them anymore.

I always get that lonely feeling.
It makes me an attention whore.

Invite him over to your house then. =P
Or just talk to him on msn. That works too. =P

Anyway, I can't focus on the screen. I'm typing blind. I hope these are actualy words I'm not tying, and not jibierish.
I'm really tired.

I'mma go to bed, g'night, gl meeting simon today. =)
Ah, I see it now. =P
(Had to go "view all comments")
Where'd Simon go to?
I added you as a friend if that it*s alright
Uhh...I love you too?
Here, try this crappy-looking-yet-fun game:

Or this one
Cute, anoying...Meh. Same thing when they start biting you.
By "up themselves", do you mean stuck-up? Or stupid? Or...Yeah.
Babysitting people is anoying.
Especialy when they bite you.
That's not fun.
Lmao.. My ones Russian, he smells, cant dress and his the baddest teeth to da days!

I have no fuckin idea why a teacher would want to take maths as a job..

K its like explainable if it for Primary whr ya gota teach all da subjects.. but maths for one main subject, ya gota be fckd in da head im telling ya.
I cant even*s too late and he*s on the phone already wit another chick that wants him
my bf now ex and I got into a fight..his mom won*t let me talk to him..wut do i do?
I see...How was it?
With your dad's family, I mean.
So what's up?
Indeed it is.
Hey, you're on!
I know how you feel..
Ewww, stuff biting your fingers. I hate that.

I'd love to write an entry, however, I just don't have time. I've got to finnish my calculus course in like...Holy fuck, less than a month.
And I'm only 9/10ths through it.
(You know how I've been constantly doing maht all year? Yeah, I'm only 9 fucking 10ths through the course. Stress stress stress. =P)
Sprinkles are my most favorite food of all time! they go good with strawberry soft serve mmmM!!
your crazy and deserve more
well the sun is allmost up and i got to get some winks in
email me ok
long and with all the details and ill do the same cause who knows when i ll be back again

how long till the sun rises there

good night my love
sweet dreams forever
ok let me get this straight you met onces before and the second time u did it in a park with him
like how did that come about
it's not okay. everyone's fucking turning on me. my head hurts and all i want to do is break something. and i'm sitting at home alone.
Go the lesbians.

Ah I think I shall be fine in time.
I could do with a shot gun though.

Solve all my problems. =P

your diary rocks...what r the possibilities of u helping me make mine hot?
most of my comments are weird and i am sorry if it offened you.
i just got a job at pizza hut (YAY). i had to seriously swallow some pride before i did, because i had made a vow never to work for another pizza hut again after a whole fucking year of it. and all because mommy wanted me to get a job.
nice diary. thanks for the comment :) hope your love life gets better for you. for every bad time, there's always going to be good that'll help you forget about the bad. :) u seem like a really awesome person
this is exactly why i want to move out. i can't speak to her. i can't speak to anyone. people are really cynical and evil these days.
nothing to lose. i'm gonna give it a shot. or maybe i could just email her my journal addy and she can read what i wrote in it.
you make a good point. but my mom..... she's the kind of person that doesn't take kindly to having a sensible conversation. if she's not doing any yelling, she doesn't really give a fuck what's going on. well that's probably not true, but i've never been able to have a sensible talk with my parents. so i doubt it'd work now. :(
i would have thought so. she's so over fucking protective. those 'living with a teenager' books she's reading aren't really helping her much.
pretty much just went out on wenesday night, met a girl and stayed at her house and didn't call my mom to let her know where i was. (on the up-side, miranda is now my girlfriend <3)
now my best friends are saying i'm a selfish cunt.
nothing's wrong really. i don't know. my head is fucked up at the moment. and my best friends think everything i do, every time i'm depressed is a big fucking joke.
how long did u date the guy before u did it with him

yea school is gay
i just hope jr college isnt
Haha, yeah... well... do you mind if I add you? :)
I just read your entry, sorry bout everything. I'm adding you. hope you don't mind. :) Wow, on the behalf of my gender I would like to apologize. We... guys... we suck. I'm sorry. You'll get your necklace back, I just know it. Take care. ♥
Hehehe, pretty sweet diary. :) Hope everything is good with you. Well, I'll let you get back to life now... Take care. ♥
Thats good
Ummm, I might know him. There are five different Justin's at my school, and I think all of their last names start with an S. :P What school does he go to?
you can merder me. i dont care.
Wow now, but yea that guy on the phone
I'm sorry about your Grandmother.

It really sucks about that guy as well. I really understand where you're coming from. you dont deserve to be treated like that.
hey.. how r u doin? ehh im hanging in there. ttul
you won what? Huh!?

Nitey nite
Lmfao! Soudns good lets hook them up :P maybe then they'll find happinees and leave, that way everyone is happy> thought i'd rather leave him un happy but i cant win all the time now can i..
good night


sweet dreams my love

till we meet again


Lol i thoguht it was funny 2 :P Glad you liked it.. it put a smile on my face..
And i seriously cant w8 to get to that point, whr i doint care what people think.. Im so concerned i hate inviting people to my house!

Sorry to hear about Ray and the other guy who you met.
Lol i know i dnt need a reason to be happy, ohwellz. I had one that day. people will think im a slut i duno why i care but im jstu like that i always care what people think of me.:P

Thanx for ya comment. how you been?
im adding you to my friends list, is that ok, im adding you just cause your cool, and cool people are cool lol :-)
hey thanks
I LOVE yours lol its pretty sweet lol
im diggin the background :-) hehe
By the way, your diary is fucking awesome
Oooh, I might. Is he in eighth or tenth grade? Ha, I don't know people's last names, but I do know a few Justin S.'s.
(cont'd) "So god says *kid rides by singing* what the fuck was that kid singing.
Oh, sorry, swearing...You don't swear, do you?"
"Yeah, I do."
"Oh yeah, I saw it on your msn name. I cried so much when I saw it in your name."

Man, he's awesome. XD

(He was joking about the crying btw)
(cont'd) Like, we're talking about stuff in his room (I was at his house) and then he's like "I havn't had a popcicle in a while. Let's go buy one." so we go down to the store, and we're talking about the bible, and stuff, and some kid rides by on his bike, with his dog running along beside him, and the kid is singing some britney spears song, so Dan (Youth leader guy) was like (cont)
(cont'd) "I feel so cool walking around with a bible in my hand."
Then he starts yelling at people in a black preacher accent "The lord is MY shepard, not yours. If you want him, you're gonna have to work for him." and all this funny stuff. It was funny.
And he's like my diary entries, he'll start talking about something, then he'll suddenly go off on some random other topic. (Cont)
I say we get a group of big strong powerful people together, and beat up skye and andrew, take your necklace back, then change our identities, so they'll never find us again.

In other news, my youth pastor at church is so cool. And funny too. And geeky.
He gave me literaly thousands of dollars worth of computer books, for free! And we're walking around a park, talking (Just the two of us) and he's like (cont)
Really good. i made liek real good amtes with this chick whos a form younget then me, shes really cool. And like all this group who i had a fight with, they are ALL talknig to me again!! its a miricle :P (cant spell) What you been up to ? nd how are you?
see you dont know really
the 8hr work shift
so ur working right
email lots and long and bare cause this is it
i got work at 12 and i have an eye appoint at 845 and im drunk and need sleep and yea
i really so much couldnt belive how much i miss doing this
staying up all night saying fuck it typing to some girl that might not be real across the world and stuff
i miss it alot
so email me long and bare cause thats all we got
well you suck cause you found them but u didnt find them

well go on in the 8hr day
so no you havent
or you think
or yea wanna fight
what have you heard
so you have wow

so do you like

im right now like die hard fan
you know i never been
so we will see

have you ever heard of the band against me
i like to think some day you might
y9ou wish you were cool like me





so how was it
was it magical

my email address
do you have it or no
i just now read your entry

and damn

im sorry

i nver told you
damn me to buddha
i fucked up at a formal
and got arrested and kicked out of school and yea

do you have my email letters
im a little drunk again
if you know what i mean
no u dont right
im great
im drunk right now well
alittle buzzed if anything cause damn do i have some stories from liveing at my bros
so yea
im good
ill start jrcollege next month on the 6 or 13
and i have a court date which im not too scared of cause im trying to make my self look good w/papers from teachers and the rehab thing i been going to
but im good
so really
how you hanging up
yea im sorry it took so long
i have been busy x core.
my eye hurts so bad...
yeshh i need pics of brian...
i heart that boy

im happy to see you are goood
and your diary is still hot and emo
...x o x o...
i do and thank you
well i cant stay on much long either cause like i said i got work in like 6hours30mintues and i havent sleep yet
ha sort of rhymes i always do stuff like that
have you met any nice guys lately
are u still fighting with thoses one bitchs
and do u work yet
and school
hows school
i know

so like what are we going to talk about
Yeah guys are assholes at times.. i've been in a simlar situation a few times myself...

your background makes me smile like this --> :D !!!
well here in america we guys ask each other that and we say a little to the left
get it
they may do it in your country too
do they

and how sad i hope things are going better than that
they have a web site so if ur feeling weird go for it
well what about you
hows it hanging

That guys an ass.. you dont need people like that in your life. All guys want is sex. And after it things get so weird. blahhh..

oh i there's this girl on myspace with the same background as you on sitdiary ;)

i think its adorable by the way

take care

well jack in the box silly
jack bought my soul and put a chip in my head so now i just part of the machine

really its sad

im trying to get transfer to JBX which is a some what ok attemp at trying to reinvent Jack in the box so in other words it cost more but hey its bomp shit
if not there to a different jack in the crack that is closer to my brothers house
and hugs cant forget hugs they are just so tight and warm

and damn didnt think u would find me

but u do

how u doing

im k

i worked my first grave yard shift today which was really intreasting!
so i stay at my moms to night cause i have to go back at 12pm
i got off a 330am
sucks huh?
oh wel it was something
my work is really close to my moms like 5mins away
that loser "him" in that convo...

Thanks thanks. thanks =)
Sami ♥
well that guy
is an ass
and can go fuck a rat
sorry that he is dumb!
for hizzzy

and shizzy

my babe

so how you doing


from what im reading

geting by

you have the best diaryin the world. ok mayb not the whole world. but deff the top 10 =) i love it
Sami ♥

thats just my Opinion..
& I love you too. ♥

&&your very welcomeee =)
that last comment was me lol
im doing alright and good thing you got your comp fixed i was missing you too much lol
hey, i thought id say hey how are you?

Oh yer, i got my own computa in my room !!! yay!
fingures crossed..
Lol i send her dis email tell her if she said ne more shit i'd get her, or get my amtes to get her :P Im so mean.. i jsut want to scare ehr thro hoping she'll back off.
Shes think si go out wiv one.. And shes mad at me b/coz i stuck up for my mate because shes jelosu of my mates because shes going out with the guy shes liesk.. if that makes sense.
Shes fuckin tellnig people all this shit saying that its 'ashleigh styles' to go out with a 17 year old.
Sorry to hear about you grandmother. Hopefully you can met up wiv that guy at that party.. I was all good. but now im gona kill this chick. i wanna hang her upside down, watch her die.. Painfully!