[96] Take a chance you stupid hoe

Feeling: burned-out
I am soooooooooooooooooooo tired right now... *sigh*... Simon *double sigh*... All day long with Simon, omg... Total heaven... It was sooooooooo cool. I had so much fun. We went to regionals today... It was awesome. It was like a 3 hour ride so I had brought a pillow and a blanket and me and Simon were sharing the pillow and yea... It was just really really really really really really cool. He was like I'm gonna have to take you partying and all this other stuff. And then he gave me a foot massage, it was so random. And yea... I love my Simon, he's awesome. He's like your big brother's best friend that you can't help but like... lol. I dunno. Anyways, Freedom didn't place I don't think... We left early. But the fact that it's a new school and we made it to regionals is a miracle in itself. Simon's the reason we made it. Cuz yea... Without him the team would suck... And not in a good way. Well I'm tired and I'm tryin to go see The Grudge with Katrina, Jenny, Juan, and Katherine tomorrow. So I should probably get some sleep. I'll probably write more tomorrow... Ciao...
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uh oh!go erika!yay!
Hey, how did you add music into your journal? Thats awsome
heyy =) pretty diary