[174] Blah blah blah

Listening to: the dryer
Feeling: insatiable
So... Sherman's moving in. My mom told me today. I had pretty much figured that out though. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. Whether she believes it or not, I'm happy for her. And I was fully planning on telling her that until she started to make me feel like shit. Which she's so good at. Cuz life just wouldn't be the same w/o using Erika as a punching bag. I'm an ill-tempered, immature, self-involved, spoiled, rude brat. Those weren't her exact words, but the paraphrasing isn't wrong. She said Nick talked to her. Thanks a bunch Nick... At least this time I know where her wrath came from. And once again it was one of those everything was fine until she decided she wanted to make me as pissed as possible moments... Don't you just love those moments??? I know I do. She's mad because I haven't cleaned the room she trashed. I could understand if I was the one that had gone in and literally thrown all the books and stuff on the floor... But I wasn't. She was. Apparently she's forgotten that. But even if I pointed it out she would use the fact that we were moving the bookshelf as an excuse. Well most ppl, put the stuff back on the bookshelf. And also... Seeing as the shelf comes in parts, we coulda moved it without the tossing of notebooks. As lame as it seems it pisses me off. If I didn't fucking trash the room, I sure as hell am not gonna clean it for some bitch who wants to try to pin it on me. She was like... "You've been home all week and you haven't even thought about cleaning that third room. Cuz you need your mommy to tell you." FUCK YOU BITCH!!! She's complaining about dishes... Which I have washed... So wtf is her problem??? She complains about me not saying 'hi' to Sherman. Fine... Next time I'm pissed off at her I'll say 'hi' with an attitude just so I can get yelled at anyways. And maybe if I actually had a choice in activities that include Sherman, I wouldn't be so sullen about it. Maybe if I actually got asked I would be fine with it. But no it's just, "Erika we're going to dinner with Sherman. Go ahead and throw a fit, but you're going." Who would really want to go after that. She doesn't understand that it's not Sherman I have the problem with. It's her. I can't stand being around her anymore. She's Super Bitch whenever ANY of her friends are around. Quick to make me feel like a dumb-ass. She says I don't talk to her friends. Fine... Next time one of her friends is over, I'll do exactly what she does when my friends are over. I'll make her seem like a total brat and a total jerk. And she says that if she asked me to do something with Sherman I would say no. Well seeing as I've never had an opportunity to not be forced to do something with Sherman... DUH!!! Of course I'm gonna say 'no'. OMG... I'M SO FRICKIN PISSED!!! I think I might go throw some books around. I mean... Since they're already bent and torn and broken and shit anyways... Why not just make a bigger mess??? I think I'm just gonna start being the daughter she hates... Seeing as she already sees me in that way anyways...
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