[164] Oblivion

Feeling: dejected
Yo... I feel... Like... Shit. All week I've been getting up late... Like an hour late... Not good. I was used to getting a call to wake me and yea... That's not happening anymore... Yea... Yesterday was Eduardo's b-day. I texted him and told him Happy Birthday or w/e... Still haven't sent his shit... I really wanna get rid of it. Cuz yea... It makes me think of him and that's never a good thing. That just leads to the whole... Crying, Sadness, and Just... Annoying-ness... I know everybody's getting tired of me being not "Over it" or w/e... But I mean, I'm doing the best I can. And yesterday my coach was being an ass-hole... OMG I was late to practice cuz I had to take pics for the yearbook and then I had to Ms. Janik's to make up a test. And well I found out that I was failing math and yea... That didn't exactly put me in a good mood. So then the test I had to make up, I had NO IDEA wth was on that test. So I just kinda crumpled it up, threw it on her desk, and went to practice. So as I'm walking up to the track, the head coach got outta his car and looked at me and the first thing outta his mouth was, "Girl, you still failing Math?"... And seeing as I actually was failing, I didn't find that very funny. So I didn't say anything and I just kinda looked at him and kept walking. And he was like: coach: Erika go home. me: I'm already here and I'm dressed out. coach: Just go home. me: I don't have a ride until the activity bus comes so I might as well stay and practice. coach: Well, there's no point in me getting mad at you cuz you're in a bad mood. GO HOME! me: Fine... w/e So I had to go back to the school... And yea... We're not allowed to just be at the school, so they kicked me out and made me go back to the track. And apparently Coach W was just PMSin that day cuz he was being bitchy with everybody and he was killin them at practice. Even Joe was having issues... And Joe usually never has issues. Then I got a track meet tomorrow... That should be rather interesting... Cuz yea... I haven't talked to C.W. since yesterday cuz practice got cancelled today. Whatever, I'm so done with Freedom. I might be going to G-F next year. I shouldn't have ever went to Freedom to begin with. Nothing but bullshit from that school. I actually kinda miss being a Freshman. Shit was fun last year. Now there's absolutely no motivation to do ANYTHING. And everybody's always saying I look mad or high or some shit... lol... I walked up today to class and Salita was just like, "You look like you bout to WHOOP somebody's ASS!" And yea... I was definitely in the mood for it... If anyone had pissed me off today... There would have been issues. And then my eyes were all puffy so I could barely keep them open. Cuz yea... Puffy eyes and tired-ness never go good together. They were puffy cuz I was like crying all last night. My slight breakdown... Always fun... Sike. And I almost gave in... Eduardo's grandmother fell yesterday and had to wait for his mom to drive up to New York to take her to the hospital when her son is like an hour away... Or something like that. And yea... I wanted to call him soooo badly... But I didn't... I dunno... w/e... He has Donut now... I'm just gonna focus on... Me... And not failing... Yea... Never had grades this bad before. I'm kinda... Freaking over this. Haven't talked to my dad since Christmas. I never even wished him a Happy New Year... I hope he's doing OK. Then my Grandfather. I wonder how he's doing. Haven't talked to him since New Years. He's was bummed cuz my Aunt and Uncle left him alone to go get drunk or laid or w/e the hell they did. Stress... Always stress... Screw stress... It's stupid... w/e, I'm out. I gotta go get ready for the frickin b-ball game... Go Eagles!!! WHOOO!!! ♥Erika
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