[107] Scary ass movie

Feeling: nonchalant
OMG... Amityville Horror was a SCARY ASS MOVIR!! I have never screamed that much in a movie theater EVER!!! Wow, and now I gotta go Friday with Eduardo cuz he was mad I went without him... Yea, interesting-ness. Then I have to go with Teri too... Luckily Eduardo is payin for my ticket, cuz I sure as hell ain't got money to see that movie 3 times like that. And I'm only gonna have money to go with Teri cuz someone owes me money anyways. But yea... hmm... He is soooo interesting. And Teri thinks I'm trying to steal her man, which is completely untrue, but yea... It's OK though cuz I know the truth. And yea... That's all that matters. Anyways, I gotta go call Jennifer... oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... And this is my schedule this weekend. Movies/mall wit Eduardo, track meet (I have to be at school by 4:45 AM!!!!), don't get back from the track meet til like 9:30, then I'm goin to the dance where I might get to dance wit Eduardo... But I dunno, depends on Teri. Alright, now I'ma go... Ciao...
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busy busy huh? thtz good itll keep ur mind off negative thingz..i need 2 start doin more stuff cuz mi parentz r drivin me loca!!
haha.. yeah friend erik went to see that.. he said it was sweet but pretty scary.. i've wanted to see it!!! I love horror movies.. cute diary!