[176] How Easily We Lie...

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: sinful
...To The Ones We "Love" I've been sick since Tuesday... Not fun. I think I'm allergic to Eduardo's bull-shit. That might be it... hehe... I should be a doctor. But yea... It sucks... The whole temp. of 100.8... Feeling like I'm gonna die... But obviously not dying. The enthusiastic, not being able to breath, move, think without everything hurting... It was so much fun... Now I'm just hungry as hell... Anyways... This week on... 'When Cheaters Get Caught'... Sike naw. But um... There was an interesting little soap opera goin on in my life for about 2 days... lol. Poor Eduardo panicked like the little bitch that he is and decided to take matters into his own hands, which he should never attempt to do again cuz he's not that smart. I found all kinds of flaws in it. He's just lucky Donut fell for him, cuz if she didn't feel the way she did, she probably woulda ended it with him. Cuz I'm sure she found the flaws, but she probably thinks it's just all of the past. Anyways... He took part of an entry I wrote, changed it around, said I sent it to Boom, and warned Donut about me. Which is funny, cuz I wrote the entry like 2 weeks before this whole thing happened. So if I told Donut something, don't you think she woulda told Eduardo by then... hm... Think dumb-ass... Think. I know it's hard sometimes, but I believe in you. Really I do... Anyways... Back to 'Love, Lies, and a Pengiun Lover'... He continued his charade by e-mailing himself and warning himself about me. Now I don't know if that last part is true, but if it is... Honey, you're stupider than I thought. WHO DOES THAT??? My God... How guilty can you get??? Why would you send the e-mail the day after you send Donut the message anyways? Is anyone else noticing the whole "late-ness" theme. You gotta go a little faster if you wanna play with the big kids Junior. Anyways... Back to the message I supposedly sent Boom: a) I haven't talked to Boom in a good minute. b) You could tell he added the shit at the end... Cuz well, I can spell... And he... We won't go there. Let's just say he has his own way of not being able to spell or type. It's kinda cute actually... In a dyslexic kinda way. c) If you're gonna make me out to be a bitch... Come up with your own shit... Be creative... You're a poet, you can't come up with something? d) You can't change dates on Yahoo accounts, but I really can't expect you to know that. So anyways... After I found out all this lovely news... I sent both him and Donut messages: Eduardo Subject: You are so full of it... Body: I would appreciate it if you would stop using me to cover up your infidelities. I would have never told Donut anything and you should have known that. Besides... Check the date on the diary dumb-ass, if I was gonna tell her I would've told her a LONG time ago. So get over yourself and stop digging your hole deeper. See Eduardo, that's what it really means to COPY and PASTE... Notice how my version and your version are exactly the same? I know... Freaky right? Donut Subject: No Subject Body: OK... Hi, I'm sure by now you know who I am, cuz it's been called to my attention that apparently I've been doing all this stuff that I know nothing about. So yea... I'm not messaging you to bad mouth Ito or anything at all. This is just to clear some stuff up. Someone told me that Ito sent you a message about something I sent to Boom. I haven't talked to Boom in months. And what he's saying I sent Boom is part of an online diary I have that he has the web address for. If you want the address to see what the entry really says, then just let me know and I'll get that for you. I was never going to say anything to you, because that's fucked up. Even if you had a right to know, you shouldn't have heard about any of it the way you did. And the stuff about Stacia is true, but that's my own issue so it's w/e. But if you ever want any information about any of it, it's up to you. You may not care cuz I definitely stopped talking to him back in like January, but if you do want to know, then just let me know. And by the way... Yahoo e-mail accounts don't let you change the dates or anything, so anything I send you honestly is the real deal, not something I tried to make up. But yea... It's up to you if you wanna know. I was really tempted to ask her to get Boom to forward that message to her. Then she could possibly send it to me. And notice I said forward, not that COPY, PASTE, and ALTER shit Eduardo likes to do, but that forwarding shit, to show that it actually came from ME. But of course they can't do that. But see how honest I was in that message? Now Eduardo... Repeat after me 1) I will not be a lying coward anymore. 2) I will not be a lying coward anymore. 3) I will not be a lying coward anymore. 4) I will not be a lying coward anymore. 5) I will not be a lying coward anymore. Repeat that 95 more times and we'll be good. Oh and another thing. I'm the one you played, so stop trying to make yourself the victim. I'm the one who did nothing but love and care about you while you did nothing but "love and care about" multiple girls. So don't try to act like I'm the enemy here. I'm just a girl who found out the truth and vented. You're the ass-hole who got caught... Panicked... And tried to cover his tracks. Which just goes to show how guilty you really are. I understand that compassion and actual human feelings may be too much for your "pretty boy" ego to understand, but get this... You hurt me, I got over it... You started this mess on your own. Don't use me to clean it up you ass wipe. I just hope you don't fuck up what you have with Donut. Not for your sake, but for hers. Cuz she actually believes in you and loves you. So consider someone elses feelings besides your own for once... For her.
--------End Scene--------
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