Shawn whistled and sang...
"now here's the sun, it's alright! now here's the moon, it's alright!
but everytime you close your eyes, lies..."
He sat with his hands wrapped tightly with metal handcuffs, which ripped through his skin. But he could feel nothing. He stared at the clock which hung on the white walls in the white room in his black mind. It is 5:00. He has been waiting for this moment. Almost immediatly, in walked a police guard, who jingled his keys as he walked, teasing the jailmates with his freedom. He stopped in front of Shawn's cell, then laughed and looked at the clock. "Well, look what time it is."
Shawn said nothing.
The silence of dripping water was overpowered with the loud clank of the door opening.
"Come on, go." He shoved.
Shawn was silent.
Another guard pushed him down. Five o'clock was beating hour.
When it was over, Shawn was dragged into his cell. Tommorow, he would be able to walk when all the swelling went down. By tommrow, the feeling in his legs will come back. His beautiful green eyes won't be red anymore. But for some reason, no matter how badly beaten his body was, he felt nothing. Because the feeling inside...
"Damn, man." A voice spoke from another cell.
"You got beat bad."
Shawn raised his head from the dirty ground of brown blood.
And for the first time in a year, he said something.
"I deserve much worse."
thebrokenstory/dontleaveme ♥