The phone rings absently throughout Shawn's apartment at approximatly eleven thirty A.M. Shawn awakens from the sounds of the loud ringing throughout his house. As he ignores it, he dozes off once again. Almost immediatly, the ringing came again. Whoever called twice in a row, must have something important to say. He got up, walked lazily to the phone. Shawn picks up the device, about to answer, but then, sees a name on the screen of the caller ID. It read: "Brian Syre."
Shawn immediatly flicked the phone away from him, as if it were a snake. He sat on the couch, breathing hard, staring at the phone he wished would stop ringing.
Eventually, the sounds stopped. Shawn relaxed a little, walking over to the refridgeratior, anticipating whether to eat eggs or pancakes. The least of his worries. Before he could decide, the door make a loud knocking sound, frightening as drowning. Shawn stopped, debating whether to answer. Could it be Brian? If he was lucky, it would be Jamie... but she doesn't wake up this early... Maybe Nathan? What if it was an alien planning to attack and take over the world and buttrape Shawn as bad karma? "Oh god, I'm going insane," Thought Shawn. He shook the ridiculous idea off.
"Please... let it be Nathan... Please... God let it be Nathan." Whispered Shawn under his breath. His eyes were closed as he opened the door. He strained them open.
"Hey, Shawn."
"Don't you ever call, man? You gave me a heart attack."
"Who'd you think it was?" Damien said as he stepped inside.
Shawn sighed "I donno," he rubbed his head.
"how's it goin?"
"Alright... alright..." Damien smiled, he had something important to say.
Shawn walked over to Damien. "Alright, what happened?"
Inbetween eating a peanut, Damien held his arms out, "I'm a father!"
"Aw man! That's great! When? How's Nadia doing?"
"Man, it's great, she gave birth last night. She's alright... except she lost a little too much blood last night. They couldn't stop her from bleeding, but she's perfect now. A little tired, when I left she was still asleep. I decided to come by since the hospital is right around here."
"Dude. You're a dad!" Shawn said, he almost couldn't believe it, himself. Damien. A dad. The same boy he grew up with since four years old, they painted pine cones together because they had nothing better to do, they ate churros until their stomaches hurt, both their favorite colors were always green, they had both never tried pot, when the other 98% of their school had. And he's a dad.
"What's the gender?"
"It's a girl. Her name is Angela... she's gorgeous. She's got this light, soft blonde hair with green-blue eyes. You've got to see her." Then Damien's voice turned from dreamy to serious. "Look, you can't tell Brian about this. You can't. It'll ruin everything." He pleaded.
"I know, man." Shawn put a hand on his shoulder.
"I won't tell him."
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