Nathan pushed Shawn’s wheelchair outside, with Shawn expecting a burst of sunlight. But instead, Shawn confronted a cloudy sky, holding heavy water just begging to fall.
“You okay, buddy?” Nathan asked awkwardly.
“Yeah… just a little dizzy.” Replied Shawn, quietly.
Jamie looked to Shawn, a sad look on her face. She despised viewing him in a wheelchair, she was still getting used to looking at him awake. Shawn looked to her and smiled, Jamie faked a smile back. She fought the tears back.
The way back to Jamie’s house was silent. They drove past a graveyard, Shawn kept imagining that he would’ve been there right now, this second, he could’ve been gone. His eyes shut, avoiding the tears that were sure to come. His head rested on the window until the long way back home. Jamie didn’t look at him the entire time.
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