Listening to: none
Feeling: bleh
Ok, so Audra i know you have a diary here now, so i called this entry bleh just for you! if you read this, i checked out your diary and it's awesome! much better than mine.
i feel like changing around my diary, but i don't know what to do . . .thinking black with white pink and green . . .or blue with white orange and green . . .i dunno. thinking about brent again . . .i miss him . . .i want to be his girlfriend . . .he's kinda too tall for me, but he's cute . . .what else matters right? i had plans to go to the mall tonite but my ride never showed up, so tonite's gonna be a big bore! i don't really have much to say . . .just felt like writing again. get back to ya when something exciting happens (if ever).
Could u have audra add me to her buddylist cuz i wanna see her spiffy diary but i cant cuz it's for friends only...and i dont think she knows i have a diary too,lol.thank u!